
maxima: Symbolic Computation Program

Name:maxima Vendor:The KDE-RedHat Project
Version:5.10.0 License:GPL
Release:8 URL:
Maxima is a full symbolic computation program. It is full featured doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Nov 13 20:36:09 2006
Packager:kde-redhat Developers <>
Size:12.66 MiB


* Fri Nov 10 18:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]> 5.10.0-8
- omit sbcl-disable-debugger patch (#214568)
* Thu Oct 26 19:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]> 5.10.0-7
- respin for sbcl-0.9.18
- fixup %triggerun's
- drop dfi --add-category=X-Fedora
* Mon Oct 2 19:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]> 5.10.0-5
- update xdg-utils patch (for .dvi handling too)

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