Project S.W.O.R.D

   SubSystem : Documentation
   File      : SW210.TXT
   Author    : Eric NICOLAS
   Overview  : Informations and installation of SWORD package
   UpDate    : Apr 14, 1996

** Copyright (C) 1993-1996 The SWORD Group
** This file is distributed under the terms listed in the document
** "copying.en". A copy of "copying.en" should accompany this file.
** if not, a copy should be available from where this file was obtained.
** This file may not be distributed without a verbatim copy of "copying.en".
** This file is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied

   1. What is S.W.O.R.D ?

         SWORD means System of Windows for the ORganisation of the Desktop.
         It is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) made with C++ objects, and
    it is accessible with Turbo C++ and GNU C++ (djgpp V1 or V2).
         It provides to the programmer all objects that are necessary to
    implement a nice and intuitive GUI. With Sword, all your programs will
    look as nice as NeXT interface. Thanks to object oriented programming,
    this interface is very easy to program.
         The basic concepts behind the objects in SWORD are :
         -> Linked lists (or in fact linked trees)
         -> Events mecanism
         -> Efficient way of managing overlapping windows

   2. What's new since 2.00A ?

         There have been a lot of improvements since versions 2.00a. 
    Some are not visibles (optimization of the overlapping system, ...), 
    some are visibles. The main obvious new things are : Much more sample 
    programs, and much more documentation.
         Also, the toolboxes have been more tested and completed.
    Particularly the Image toolbox has been greatly improved.

   3. Installation

         You must have the files :
                SW210.TXT (this file)
         and one of the files :
         and the PKUNZIP (or equivalent) unarchiver.

         If you installed previous version V2.00A, it is better to
    destroy those files before installing the new one, in order to
    avoid a strange mix between the two version (or to install them
    in two different directories).

         Create a directory for SWORD on your hard disk (let say C: for
    example) :
                MKDIR C:\SWORD
         Extract all the files from archives :
                PKUNZIP -d PATH1.ZIP C:\SWORD
                PKUNZIP -d PATH2.ZIP C:\SWORD

         Read the C:\SWORD\DOCS\README.1ST file for more informations.