ProDelphi is a source code profiler.
ProDelphi gives you the CPU-time consumed by the procedures
of your program. The measurement is done on a base
of CPU-cycles. It works with a Pentium CPU or a
Pentium compatible CPU like AMD K6. Measurement
results can be viewed with a built in viewer,
exported to a data base or stored into an ASCII-file.
Methods that have not been called by the testee can
also be displayed. Results are either displayed in 
CPU-cycles or in a variable format in micro seconds 
(minimum 0.001 micro seconds), sec, min or hours. 
Measuring of DLL's is fully supported, also conditional 
compilation and multi directory profiling. Measurement
can dynamically switched on an off automatically by
entering defined methods, the methods can either be 
defined by a selection form, by inserting comments or
API-calls into the source code. A user-API allows 
switching storing intermediate results. Delphi 2..5 
are supported. ProDelphi integrates itself in the 
Delphi Tools-menu. A history function makes comparison 
of actual and the preceeding runtime possible. It also 
gives a quick overview about which method became faster 
or slower. Delphi 5 supported.
In the freeware version can measure upto 30 methods. 
If upgraded to a professional version, 32000 methods
can be measured. Additionally pure assembler procedures
are supported by upgrading.