Author:	Poul Bak
Copyright © 1999 : BakSoft-Denmark (Poul Bak). All rights reserved.
Mailto: baksoft-denmark@dk2net.dk

Component Version:

PBShareMap is an easy-to-use component that uses file-mapping to let 2 or more applications share a TStringList and thereby all variables that can be converted to text (use the Name=Value approach). 
Default property Values makes it easy to store and access variables. It  is used like this: PBShareMap1['MyVar'] := MyVar; and accessing: MyVar := PBShareMap['MyVar'];
The applications can be instances of the same application or different applications (each with PBShareMap component).
Set 'AutoSynchronize' to true and changing the list in one application automatically updates the other(s).
'ExistsAlready' can be used to limit your application to one instance.
Multiple PBShareMaps can be on one Form.
Applist automatically holds the handles of all Owner-forms using the same map.
Important: The MapName is the property that holds the common name that different applications use to share a file-mapping object.
It must be unique in the system at any time.

Context-sensitive help is included.

Legal stuff:
PBShareMap is Freeware. Use it any way, you like. There are no timelimits or 'nag-screens'. Applications developed using this component are yours alone, Baksoft-Denmark have no rights to it.

PBShareMap is provided 'as-is' and Baksoft-Denmark is under no circumstances responsible for any damage, what soever, that it might cause to anyone or anything.

1. Unzip all files to a folder of your choice.
2. Start Delphi (if you haven't done so).
3. Choose menu 'Component', 'Install Component...', browse to the folder that contains the unzipped files, choose 'PBShareMap.pas' and open the file. Press 'Ok'. Press 'Yes' to confirm rebuild. PBShareMap is now Registered. Close the window (save the changes).

Now you have a new Palette-page named 'PB' with the new component.

Install context-sensitive help:
1. Move or copy 'PBShareMap.hlp' and 'PBShareMap.cnt' to ..\Delphi 3\Help folder.
2. Doubleclick 'Delphi3.cnt' and 'Microsoft Help Workshop' starts. Click 'Index Files', 'add'. Type 'PBShareMap' as Help title and 'PBShareMap.hlp' as Help filename. Click 'Ok'.
3. Include 'PBShareMap' on the main page (Insert above).
4. Exit 'Microsoft Help Workshop' and save the changes.

Now you have full context-sensitive help for the PBShareMap component.
It is strongly recommended to read the help file for PBShareMap.
I have included a small demo: Project1 to show the basics. Load, compile and run. (See the code for more details).

If you find any bugs, have any great ideas or just a comment or question, feel free to e-mail.