mwEdit is a study on how to create a custom edit control without using a 
Windows edit control. It works in Borland Delphi 2, 3, 4, 5, and Borland C++ 
Builder 1, 3, 4.

Main features:
- Forty-one components included
  - Multiline edit control
  - Data-aware multiline edit control
  - Thirty-two highlighters (ObjectPascal, C++, Perl, Java, HP48, CA-Clipper,
    SQL, TCL/TK, HTML, AWK, VBScript, Python, Galaxy, BAT, DFM, x86 assembler,
    GEMBASE, INI, Standard ML, PHP, Sybase SQL, Visual Basic, ADSP21xx, 
    Cache object scripts, Cascading Stylesheets, Javascript, KIX, Baan, 
    Fortran, Foxpro, 68HC11 assembler, and general)
  - Regular expression-based highlighter selector
  - Design-time highlighter manager
  - Two exporters (HTML and RTF)
  - Completion proposal list
  - Auto-completion component
  - Python language indentation
- No inherent memory limitations even when running on Windows 95
- Extensible syntax highlighting
- Customisable keyboard commands, support for commands with two keys
- Bookmarks and gutter marks
- Drag and drop
- Auto-completion and completion proposal
- Multi-byte Character Set support
- Input Method Manager support
- Search & Replace with very fast search engine
- Better Tab support
- Line and Column selection modes
- Printing
- Wheel mouse support
- Ready for localization (Spanish translation included)
- Grammar generator with sample grammar and short tutorial
- Many demos
- Free for non-commercial use