TMsgDisplay – Documentation
This component displays a message in a panel centered in the middle of any component (Parent). It can also 
display a warn message with automatic delay time given in milliseconds. The TMsgDisplay will be shown non-
modal so the user can be informed about any time consuming operations the application is processing. The site 
of the MsgDisplay is automatically sized to the display text. You can also set the message text when the control 
is shown so you can inform the user at any time. You can also define that the control is only closed when the 
user clicks an notify button or any Key or Mouse Click (see Options).
You need Delphi 2, Delphi 3 or Borland C++ Builder (Version 1.0 will do). You can use MsgDisplay with either 
Window 95 (98)  and NT (4.0, 5.0).
There are some different versions of the class availbale. Either separate archives for Delphi2, Delphi3 and 
C++Builder. Use the following addresses below:
Delphi 2.0
Delphi 3.0
Borland C++Builder 1.0
All-in-one archive

Each archive contains the class as .dcu, .dpl or .obj file and full source code of the demonstration application.
Copy the files in the installation path
(For Delphi 2)
(For Delphi 3)
(For C++Builder)

to the place where you store your VCL classes/ packages. 
From inside C++ Builder or Delphi 2 select menu component and then install. Select cls_MsgDisplay(.obj/.dcu) 
as new component and then rebuild the library. Done.
For Delphi 3:
Select from the menu Component and then Install Packages. Click on the Add button. Enter the msgdisplay.dpl.
Check the new Item “Message Display Package” and click on OK. Done.
TMsgDisplay is Freeware and Noteware for non-commercial use only.  You can use TMsgDisplay under the 
Following conditions:
	Freeware or Shareware package
	Sending me an email that you use TMsgDisplay in your application
	Adding a note like the following in your manual:

	This application uses TMsgDisplay © 1997 by H.P.G

If you want to use the component in commercial a software package please contact the author for special 
conditions and package licenses.
Use the component like any other component. Add it at design time to any form. Set the appropriated properties 
with the object inspector. 
TMsgDisplay – class documentation


	property AsyncDelay : Integer read FAsyncDelay write FAsyncDelay stored true default 500;
	property AbortCaption : TCaption read FAbortCaption write setAbortCaption stored true nodefault;
	property OnClose : TOnMsgDisplayCloseEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose;
	property OnOpen : TOnMsgDisplayOpenEvent read FOnOpen write FOnOpen;

? Status 
Status : TStringList
TStringList *Status
These are the text lines which will be displayd in the MsgDisplay.
The size of the control will be changed so that the text is entirely visible.
? Caption
Caption : TCaption (String)
TCaption Caption
This is also the Status, but here given as string. You can use either Caption or status to set display text.

? Options
Options :  TMsgDisplayOptions
TmsgDisplayOption=set of TMsgDisplayOptionItems;

typedef Set< TMsgDisplayOptionItems, doLockParent, doShowButton> TMsgDisplayOptions

this options defines the behavior of the MsgDisplay. TMsgDisplayOptionItems are defined as follows:


enum TMsgDisplayOptionItem

if Options contains this the parents’ cursor will be automatically changed to crAppStart. This is NOT a 
flag for modal showing the control nor is the parent control really locked.

if Options contains this the parents‘ cursor and the Screen’s cursor will be automatically changed to 
crAppStart. This is NOT a flag for modal showing the control nor is the parent control really locked.

if Options contains this the user can close the MsgDisplay either with a keystroke or a mouse click. If 
another control gets the focus the Display is also closed. If you do not set doWaitForClick and yout do 
not set the doShowButton then the display can be closed only by calling the CloseDisplay function.
Note: If the user closes the Display with either the mouse click or a key press then the OnClose event 
will be fired 

Due to the limited system timers on some OSes this flag forbis the creation of a system timer. If you set 
this option a call to AsyncDisplay will always return false and the MsgDisplay will not open only by the 
use of the OpenDisplay function.

If you set this a button will be displayed at the bottom of the MsgDisplay and the window will be closed 
automatically if the user clicked the button. The Caption of the button is for default Abort. You can 
chage this with the AbortCaption property. 
Note: If the user clicks on the Abort button then the OnClose event will be fired 

? Types
Types : TMsgDisplayTyxpes
enum TMsgDisplayTypes Types 

this is a shorthand method to specify whether the control is used as a warn TMsgDisplay or not. 
TMsgDisplayTypes are defined as follows:


enum TMsgDisplayTypes

the MsgDisplay’s color is set to clBtnFace.
the MsgDisplay’s color is set to clRed.

? AsyncDelay
AsyncDelay : Integer
int AsyncDelay

this is the delay time given in milliseconds for the AsyncDisplay() function. This defaults to 500 this is 
equal to ½ second delay time. Setting the value of AsyncDelay to 0 means wait

? AbortCaption
AbortCaption : TCaption (String)
AnsiString AbortCaption 

This is the text the abort button will use. Default is Abort.

? OpenDisplay
function OpenDisplay : Boolean;
bool __fastcall OpenDisplay(void);

this is the standard method to open the TMsgDisplay without any timeout. The MsgDisplay will be 
shown until the destructor is called or the function CloseDisplay is called. If this function returns false 
the  MsgDisplay is already shown or any error occurred.

? CloseDisplay
function CloseDisplay : Boolean;
bool __fastcall CloseDisplay(void);
if the control is opened either with the OpenDisplay or AsynDisplay function CloseDisplay will close or 
hide the control. If this function returns false the MsgDisplay is currently not shown or any error 

? AsyncDisplay
function AsyncDisplay : Boolean;
bool __fastcall AsyncDisplay(void);

this function will be used to display a message with automatically delay time. I.e. to display a warning 
or to prevent the program for waiting of the user click you may have to if you use AsyncDisplay instead 
of OpenDisplay or a MessageBox. Set the DelayTime to the timeout value in milliseconds you want to 
be shown the control.
If this function returns false any error occurred. I.e. the internal creation of the TTimer may failed due 
to the limitations of system timers in some OSes or you set the doForbidTimer in Options.

// this will open the MsgDisplay  for upto 10 seconds. The MsgDisplay 
// contains also an Abort button. The 
// MsgDisplay will be closed if either user clicks the button or the 
// 10 seconds have gone

// Show an Abort button
MsgDisplay1.Delaytime:=10 * 1000; 
// Set timeout to 10 seconds
If (MsgDisplay1.AsyncDisplay) then
begin // okay the message have been shown
	continue what ever you want here……
begin // any error occurred with memory, ttimer etc.

MsgDisplay1->Options = MsgDisplay1->Options << doShowButton; 
// Show an Abort button
MsgDisplay1->Delaytime=10 * 1000; 
// Set timeout to 10 seconds
If (MsgDisplay1->AsyncDisplay())
{ // okay the message have been shown
	continue what ever you want here……
{ // any error occurred with memory, ttimer etc.


? OnOpen
OnOpen = TOnMsgDisplayOpenEvent;
	TOnMsgDisplayOpenEvent=procedure (Sender:TObject;OpenKind:TOpenKind) of object;

enum TOpenKind { okStandard, okAsync };
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TOnMsgDisplayOpenEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, 
	TOpenKind OpenKind);

OnOpen is called whenever the TMsgDisplay is opened either with the OpenDisplay or AsyncDisplay 
function. The OpenKind Parameter is set to okStandard if the MsgDisplay is opened via a call to 
OpenDisplay or to okAsync if the AsyncDisplay method is used

? OnClose
	TOnMsgDisplayCloseEvent=procedure (Sender:TObject;Reason:TCloseReason) of object;

	enum TCloseReason { crTimeOut, crClick };

typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TOnMsgDisplayCloseEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, 
		TCloseReason Reason);

The OnClose event occurs only when the user click on the Abort button or enters any key if the Options 
contain doWaitForClick. Calling the CloseDisplay method will not fire the OnClose event. The Reason 
Parameter is set to crTimeOut if the MsgDisplay is closed by time out else reason is set to crClick.
If you have any questions, suggestions or want to contact me send a message to the following address:

Visit also my home page at
