TfxLocate for Delphi 2 Component (c) 1997 by Chuck Gadd.
All rights reserved.

You are granted permission to use this component in any program royalty-free.  You may not charge any fee for distributing this
component.  Use of this component is at your own risk.  I do not make any warranty regarding this component, but it's based on code I've used for quite a while.  (Ok, so I'm not good at lawyer-talk )

I make no promises regarding Updates/bug fixes, but if you find any bugs or have any feature suggestions, please let me know.  My email address is  Feel free to drop me an email just to say 'I like it!'.  If you hate it, don't bother telling me.

32 bit (Delphi 2.x) component performs a non-indexed search of a TTable or TQuery component (and their descendants like the Infopower TwwTable component ).  Currently only searches on String and Blob/Memo fields.
Will search up to 32766 chars of a Blob/Memo field (I've got the code to handle almost any length, just need to test it more!  Does anyone know the stated limits of a dBase/Paradox blob/memo?) 

Component |Install|Add
then browse to find the Dir where you unzipped this components files.
It will be installed onto the Samples page.

Before installing ANY components, you should make a safe copy of your
CMPLIB32.DCL file.  This is the Delphi component library.  If it gets mangled, you're hosed!!!!  You can find it in your \Delphi\Bin dir.

I haven't had any problems with this component trashing my DCL, but why take chances???

Datasource : The datasource component to search

Datafield : The name of the String or Blob field to search

FindText : The string value you want to find. 

MatchType : 
	maAnywhere : finds text anywhere in the field
	maFull : field must match text exactly
	maBeginning : text must match beginning of field

IgnoreCase : If true, the search will be case insensitive

DisableControls : If True, disables all attached components during
        search.  Greatly increases speed, but it looks cool to leave
	controls enabled during the search. ;^)

FindCursor : The cursor that will be displayed during the search.

FailPos : Where to leave the record pointer if no match is found:
	fpOriginal : Position record pointer to starting record
	fpEnding : Leave record pointer at the last record checked
	fpBottom : Leave pointer at bottom of table
	fpTop : Leave pointer at top of table

DoBackground : Determines whether the component releases time for other
	windows processing to occur during the search.  Recommended
	while searching very large tables.

NumRecs : Number of records to examine.  If zero, searchs until EOF.

Found : Runtime, Readonly.  True if Locate was successful.

Error : Error condition (if any) that caused the Locate to fail
	erNone : No error, data just not found.
	erDataset : Dataset not set, or not Active.
	erField : Field not correct type, or not present.
	erUnknown : I have no idea!

Locate : Performs a locate from the Top of the Dataset.

LocateNext : Performs a locate from the NEXT record.

OnFind : Called when the data was successfully found.

OnFail : Called when the data was NOT found.