
Version 4.11

KSDCOMP is a growing Delphi2 Component Collection
form Kiruy Software Concepts.

Currently the following components are included 
in this version:

	QuickAccessC - Quick Access Interface
	KSRI         - Reg/INI Interface
	KSTT         - Application Time Trial
	KSWave       - Wave File Player
	KSBevel      - Bevel with Events
	KSURLabel    - A Label which can be linked
	               to a URL and can change 
	               colours on mouse movements

1)	QuickAccessC
Kiruy Software Concepts offer a unique set of 
tools for Windows95, called Quick Access.
One of the main features of this Software Suite is
the ability to configure and access multiple 
applications with user-defined parameters as well 
as web-links through a specific interface.
Using the QuickAccessC component will allow your
applications to access those pre-sets if your
user(s) have the Quick Access Pack installed.
QuickAccessC acts just like the standard Delphi2
pop-up menu, only when and if Quick Access entries
are detected, it will dynamically create a new menu
item called Quick Access, which will display the
Quick Access Entries. You can specify where to 
have this item by configuring the 'AfterItem'
property of the component. Enter the existing item
position to have Quick Access appear after it or
leave it as it is and it will appear the first
item. Remember, the Quick Access item will never
appear if your user does not have The Quick Access
Pack installed. This way your application will
retain all of its qualities and will only benefit
from and if the user has Quick Access!

Unlike many other components this one creates the
specified key if it is not present when you ask it
to write a new value. The properties are very
simple. The Calls are: ReadReg(default:string),
WriteReg(value:string), ReadINI(defalut:string),
When writing to an INI file the sections and 
indents are created if they are not found!

Are you distributing your demo? Want to add instant
demo capabilities? Use KSTT. Specify your trial
period using several properties. Call it: 'Execute'
on the create event of your main form and it will
do the rest. Events available in this version:
OnReturn - when your trial is over this event is
fired. You can specify your own Event Processor,
use the built-in messaging system or combine them.
OnHack - fired when the user either accidentally
'messed-up' the windows system or when the user
tried to alter the time-trial period on purpose.
Don’t forget to set the Unique Key property which
will identify your application.

4)	KSWave
This component simply plays Wave files using the
default system audio-out device. 

5)	KSURLabel
This component behaves and looks almost like the
standard Delphi2 Label. What’s added is the ability
to change colour on mouse movements and the ability
to open a URL in the default web-browser. How does
it work? If you specify your own processing in the
OnClick Event then the URL feature will be disabled
allowing your code to execute. If you leave it clear
and specify a URL, like 'http://www.yahoo.com' in
the URL property of the component, it will launch 
the URL when the user clicks on the label. The
Colour Property is the colour of the caption. The
FocusColor Property defines the colour the label text
will appear as long as the mouse is over it!

INSTALLATION: Copy all of the files to your Delphi2
components folder and install the KSREG.dcu file
through Delphi 2 just like you normally do it.

NOTE: This component set is free, provided that you
note the author anywhere in your about-box or your
readme file if you use any of these components in
your application.

You can download the Quick Access Pack at 

Comments? Questions? Write the author at

Visit http://members.xoom.com/Kiruy often for new
components, upgrades and free software.