TAliasEditor V01.03 - BDE alias management component for Delphi 2 & 3

Written by Glenn Davies (Glenn@home-pc.demon.co.uk).
Based on TDbiAlias (Delphi 1) by Richard Christman (christmn@cyberport.net).


Copyright notice:

This component is unrestricted freeware. It may be distributed, used and/or
modified without restriction. Please note that although this component has
been tested and been found to work correctly, you use it entirely at your
own risk and I will not be held responsible for corrupted IDAPI.CFG files,
damaged databases or alien invasions caused by using it.

Unlike Delphi 1, which required all manner of "voodoo" calls to get at alias
information, Delphi 2 and 3 have all this functionality built into the
TSession component. This component is merely another interface to that
functionality. You are encouraged to examine the source code to find out how
I did things and to extend, rewrite or throw away TAliasEditor as you see fit.



V01.03 - Included revised version for Delphi 3.
V01.02 - Added GetDriverList and GetDriverParams methods. Included example
	 application to demonstrate use of TAliasEditor.
V01.01 - First public release



The distribution .zip file contains separate versions of TAliasEditor for
Delphi 2 and Delphi 3 in separate directories. The documentation for each
version can be found in the appropriate directory.

Both versions of TAliasEditor have the same functionality. The primary
difference between the two versions is the ConfigMode property. Everything
else remains the same. The documentation for the Delphi 3 version contains
notes on converting an existing Delphi 2 project which uses TAliasEditor to
Delphi 3.