VIMVCL  Component for Delphi  (Shareware)

Version 2.10

Changes :-

addition of following functions to TVimInbox

  deleteMessage       - deletes a specified message
  setMessageRead      - flags unread message as read
  moveMessageToFolder - moves specified message to a named folder

This file describes the VIMVCL Components for Delphi.

These native VCL components provide the means for sending e:Mail messages via
Lotus ccMail, reading messages and accessing the entries in the address books
from within Delphi applications.  The components integrate seamlessly into
the Delphi development environment just like the standard components supplied with Delphi.

There are four components

TVimSession     - handles access to ccMAil
TVimSendMessage - caters for sending messages and attachments
TVimInbox       - scans the ccMail inbox and gives access to individual
TVimAddressBook - allows access to the address book for looking up names
                  and addresses

The components will only function when DElphi is running.