Master-Detail Explorer (TMDExplorer)
Version 1.7
Copyright © 1996 Kenneth W. Clubb.   All rights reserved.

Introduction to TMDExplorer

TMDExplorer comes with a handy component called TConnections.  TConnections 
is a special TPanel that shows master-detail relationships by drawing lines 
between TTables and TDataSources.  The sample applications shipped with 
TMDExplorer already have TConnections panels on their forms to show the 
organization of the master-detail relationships.

After you have one or more master-detail relationships defined, you can 
connect data-aware components to the datasource components.  In the past 
your options were limited.  TDBGrids are often connected to master datasources,
and TDBGrids or other data-aware components such as TDBEdit components are 
connected to detail datasources.  This often presents a problem - how do 
you show several levels of master-detail information.  Techniques such as 
cascading forms or several TDBGrids on the same form are often used.  Now 
you can display several levels of master-detail information easily in a 
tree format.

1.1  - Fixed bug to provide access to remote SQL databases
1.2  - Fixed bug that causes nodes to get out of sync with database after 
       a collapse
1.3  - Fixed bug that prevented use of TQueries on SQL databases
1.4  - Fixed several bugs involving TQueries on remote databases. Fixed the 
       Active property to work as it should
1.5  - Enabled drag-drop capability. Added custom bitmaps for each level. 
       Improved scrolling for Paradox tables.
1.6  - Fixed a bug that blanks the tree when moving to the end of a dataset. 
       Added single click expand/contract when property MDStyle is set to True.
1.7  - Fixed a bug that prevents inserting records into a dataset connected 
       to TMDExplorer. Made source code available.