16 Bit Trial version of ImageLib
  Introducing ImageLib 31/95 by SkyLine Tools. North Hollywood CA

  ImageLib is a professional software development tool that allows 
  a programmer to implement BMP, CMS, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, SCM, 
  TIF, and WMF images into his/her applications.  In addition AVI, 
  MOV, MID, WAV, and RMI multimedia formats are supported.  These 
  image and multimedia formats can be implemented to/from a file or 
  database BLOB field.  This Twain compliant version of ImageLib is 
  a 16-Bit VCL/DLL for use with Delphi.  Included in this package 
  are SIXTEEN Delphi VCL components, a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), VCL 
  source code for the components, programming examples, electronic 
  help files, and software documentation.  

  Other image and multimedia development tools are far more expensive 
  than ImageLib. When users compare ImageLib's color resolution with 
  other imaging tools, they find that ImageLib yields superior results.  
  We proudly invite you to compare our product to our competitions 
  more expensive image libraries.

  SkyLine Tools stands behind its product with its highly responsive 
  technical support.  If you have a problem that cannot be answered 
  from this manual, drop us an e-mail and ask for assistance.  Customers 
  have expressed delight in our prompt useful support.

  By using ImageLib  the developer will be able to develop their
  product for both 16 and 32 bit. 

  ImageLib has enhanced TImage and TDBImage VCL/DLL with the following 
  added features:

  * ThumbNail Previews

  * Twain Scanning Support;

  * Capture Image from Video ;

  * Corrected Palette and Stretching of the Image Canvas  
    (Work Around for Delphi Color Palete Limitations);

  * Global Palette for 256 color systems;

  * Reading and writing of BMP, CMS, GIF, JPG, PCX, PNG, SCM, 
    and TIF images to/from a file or a TBlobField ;

  * Color Reduction with Dithering for BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, PNG, 
    and TIF Images  (Dithering for 4 and 8 Bit Indexed Color Output);

  * BMP 1, 4, 8 and 24 Bit Support;

  * GIF 4 and 8 Bit Support;

  * GIF 4 and 8 Bit Read Interlaced Support;

  * JPG 0 to 100% Save Quality;

  * JPG 0 to 100% Smoothing;

  * JPG 24 Bit Color and 8 Bit Gray Scale Support; 

  * PCX 1, 4, 8 and 24 bit Support;

  * PNG 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 32 Bit Support;

  * PNG 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 32 Bit Interlaced Support;

  * TIF (Baseline) 1, 4, 8, and 24 Bit Support;

  * TIF Compression - CCIT, LZW, and PACKBITS ;

  * Reading and Writing of Horizontal Credit Messages (CMS) and 
    Vertical Scrolling Messages (SCM) to/from a file or a TBlobField ; 

  * Reading and Writing of AVI, MOV, WAV, RMI and MIDimages to/from 
    a file or a TBlobField ;

  * Reading of ICO and WMF Images to/from a File (Delphi inherited);

  * CUT, COPY and PASTE to/from the Clipboard ;

  * Full Print Support with One Line Code Implementation;

  * Internal Scrolling and Credit Message Editor;

  * DLL Callback Function  (shows progress bar and processes messages);

  * No Code (VCL) to Display Image Formats from a TBlobField ;

  * Loading/Saving all TBlobField Images to/from File ;

  * Conversion of all TBlobField images to BMP/GIF/JPG/PCX/PNG/TIF File ;

  * Images Pasted from the Clipboard can be stored as a BMP/GIF/JPG/PCX/
    PNG/TIF file or TBlobField;

  * Open and Save Dialog Boxes with Thumbnail for Previewing Video, 
    Images, and Sound;

  * Enhanced Image Manipulation, Including Zoom, Flip, and Mirror Tools;

  * Optional Toolbars for Rapid Application Development;

  * Powerful Text Features that allow Text Over Image and Text Rotation;

  * Many Useable Code Examples including VCLs;  

  * Foreign Error Strings Support.  DLL strings are stored in the 
    DLL Resource;

  * And, and, and.......

  ImageLib includes Sixteen Delphi VCL components.