SPECIAL NOTICE about this release: Mandrake 9.0 and 8.2 need a glib2 (libglib2.0_0) update to release 2.0.7 or later to avoid header corruption. Even with a glib2 update (and on Mandrake 9.1) I observed some apparently non-critical error messages in the status log, so there may be more libraries that may benefit from an update. I haven't checked if there are any suitable binary glib2 RPMs that can be used with Mandrake 9.0 and 8.2. Possibly I'll compile some and contribute them to the Pan website; in that case they should be made available somewhere on <http://pan.rebelbase.com/download/extras/>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These packages are built for Mandrake 9.0, using Mandrake's library naming conventions. Mandrake's menu file and icons are included. They should also work on Mandrake 8.2 and 9.1. Pan requires gtkspell 2.0.2 or higher (http://gtkspell.sourceforge.net). A Mandrake 9.0 package (libgtkspell0-2.0.3-1mdk90) is available at http://pan.rebelbase.com/download/extras/gtkspell/MANDRAKE_90/ The 'nospell' package has been compiled with spell checking disabled, and therefore does not require the gtkspell package. Pan also requires gnet 1.1.5 or higher. A Mandrake 9.0 package (libgnet1.1-1.1.8-1mdk90) is available at http://pan.rebelbase.com/download/extras/gnet/MANDRAKE_90/ Using these packages on Mandrake 8.2 requires several packages from Mandrake 9.0: libatk1.0_0 libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 libglib2.0_0 (See SPECIAL NOTICE above!) libgtk+-x11-2.0_0 libpango1.0_0 pango libxml2 libpng3-1.2.4-3mdk (Better: 1.2.4-3.2mdk from 8.2 updates) freetype2-2.0.9-3mdk libstdc++5-3.2-1mdk (Not necessary for the 'nospell' package) It may be necessary to uninstall the pango 0.24 packages that come with Mandrake 8.2 first, if they are installed: rpm -e pango libpango24 or rpm -e pango libpango24 libpango24-devel The same may apply to some GTK+2 release 1.3 packages. (But *not* 1.2!) Using Pan with gtkspell on Mandrake 8.2 can be a bit tricky. Probably either the libgtkspell0-2.0.3 RPM for Mandrake 9.0 (see above) *or* the one compiled on Mandrake 8.2 will work, but not both. The latter is available at http://pan.rebelbase.com/download/extras/gtkspell/MANDRAKE_82/ Using the wrong libgtkspell can cause Pan to crash when opening the compose window. On Mandrake 9.1, you should use the libgtkspell0 and libgnet1.1 packages that come with the distro. If Pan is freqently crashing on Mandrake 9.0 or 8.2, upgrading pango/libpango1.0_0 to 1.0.5 or later may help. (This may require additional packages). Pango 1.0.5 RPMs for Mandrake 9.0/8.2 may be hard to find, but the following RPM from SuSE should work: http://fr2.rpmfind.net//linux/RPM/suse/suse/i386/supplementary/GNOME2/update_for_8.1/base/pango-1.0.5-0.i586.html Note that this single RPM replaces both pango and libpango1.0_0.