From: Fabrizio Parrella <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 12:56:55 -0400

this scrip will allow you to monitor the Rx and TX for a NETGEAR route
version WGR614v6

# cfg file
Target[WGR614v6]: `c:\mrtg\perl\bin\perl
MaxBytes[wgr614v6]: 12500000
Options[WGR614v6]: gauge, nopercent
Unscaled[WGR614v6]: dwym
YLegend[WGR614v6]: TX and RX
ShortLegend[WGR614v6]: B/s
LegendO[WGR614v6]: &nbsp;TX:
LegendI[WGR614v6]: &nbsp;RX:
Title[WGR614v6]: WAN Statistics
PageTop[WGR614v6]: <H1>WAN Statistics</H1>


hope this will helpful

Fabrizio Parrella

Computer/Web Programmer FPSySteM