*  Readme file for MRTG message DLL (mrtg.dll)             SysIt(c)2003 by lrb   *
This is a first edition (beta). With this DLL the annoying text in eventlog 
complaining about not having a message DLL will be history.

The only event MRTG supports in 2.10.5 is event ID 1000.

Copy mrtg.dll to "your path" (e.g. c:\mrtg\bin or whatever)

Open the file mrtg_dll.reg in a text editor (notepad) and edit the line:
to your path. Remember double backslash in you path!

Run the mrtg_dll.reg by "double-click"

Change your MRTG startup line to:
perl mrtg <config file> --logging eventlog

That's it!
Since this is the first edition, functionality is poor, but so is the MRTG support 
for Windows event logging. I'm not a perl programmer, and if anyone will help 
expand the event log feature, please do!
As far as I can see, there is no support for warnings and errors, alothow Perl 
eventlog function supports it.

If any questions, please contact me at lrb@sysit.com

Lars Rune Bjørnevik