 memmon (memmon.pl and get_remote_data.pl)
by Erwin Horjus <erwin.horjus@virgil.nl>

What they do

memmon.pl and get_remote_data.pl work on the client/server principal.

memmon.pl           - runs on the host you want to monitor.
get_remote_data.pl  - runs on the host where mrtg is running.

Before you begin

Before you Install, you need the following:

- Perl (I used 5.6)
- Net::Telnet Perl Module (I used 3.03)


The following steps apply to each machine you want to monitor.

1. Copy the memmon.pl script to the host you wish to monitor.

2. In /etc/inetd.conf, insert the line:

mem 	stream	tcp	nowait	root	<path of memmon.pl>


mem 	stream	tcp	nowait	root	<path of your TCP wrapper>	<path of memmon.pl>

Of course, the TCP wrapper isn't mandatory, but if you want to restrict access
to the viewing the date retreived, I really recommend you install it.

3. In your /etc/services file, put in the following line:

mem	9048/tcp

The port and portname you choose is up to you, but if you do change it from 9048, be sure
to update get_remote_data.pl and /etc/inetd.conf too (the port number is specified in the first few lines
of the script).

4. kill -HUP your inetd

5. Test it by telnetting to the host at port 9048. You should get the

bash~# telnet hostname 9048
< usual connect messages >
129 day(s)

If you didn't get any output, go back and make sure you did everything

Setting up memmon.pl with MRTG

The memmon.pl script just runs like this:


It will figure out on which operating system it runs and executes the subroutine

Please look at sample.cfg to see how to setup memmon.pl with MRTG.

I hope this is as useful to you as it has been to me. If you have any
problems/bug reports/advice/complaints, email me.
