Date: Tuesday, 20 April 2004

This script, based on the concept of Colin Tinker's original meminfo.  I've
created a new script to use meminfo with the 2.6 kernel.  Because of the way
I've writen the script, it should work under the 2.4 kernel too.

The script checks /proc/meminfo for the combined used and free memory,
parsing out the info for MRTG to use.

I've included an mrtg.cfg that you can add to your config already.  Replace
instances of gimp/i with whatever your machine name is.

TODO: Read a PERL book and come up with a nicer/better way to get the
info out of meminfo.

Figure out a nicer way to parse /proc/uptime to show in the analysis page.  The
way I've done it, should work for the 2.4 kernel as well.

Figure out how to change 1440.0 k to it's correct value.