This is a simple perl script to use with mrtg to monitor any set of ip-s even if there isnt't an interface for them, you can also use it to keep an accounting database for the same sets of ips.
	It is pretty much self explanatory, is has a configuration file named dynacc.conf that has to reside in /etc/ but you can both renameit and change it's location, and ... it's writen by me...

I've included here an example config from mrtg.cfg...

Target[terra]: `/usr/local/bin/dynacc -m terra`
MaxBytes[terra]: 4125
XSize[terra]: 600
Title[terra]: terra --
PageTop[terra]: <H1>LL to Top Terra Trade</H1>
   <TR><TD>System:</TD>     <TD> in Focsani, Romania</TD></TR>
   <TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD> <TD>Razvan Radu &lt;;</TD></TR>
   <TR><TD>ifType:</TD>     <TD>ppp </TD></TR>
   <TR><TD>Max Speed:</TD>  <TD>4125.0 Bytes/s</TD></TR>
   <TR><TD>Ip:</TD>         <TD></TD></TR>

# Razvan Radu
# Focsani, Romania