GetHTTP v1.2 Copyright 2002 NetLatency All rights reserved. GetHTTP is distributed as freeware. This program can be freely exchanged and distributed providing that the program is exchanged in unmodified form. About GetHTTP utility --------------------- GetHTTP is a Windows command line utility that will query an HTTP web page (and optionally its content) and output the fetch time in an MRTG compatible format. GetHTTP can be combined with the Windows NT Scheduler service to automate the backups of Cisco router configurations. Installing the GetHTTP utility ---------------------------- The GetHTTP utility can be copied into any directory and run without any further installation. It is preferable to copy GetHTTP into a directory included in the command path. Using the GetHTTP utility ----------------------------- GetHTTP is a command-line utility (console application). If you run the program without any parameters, the help screen will be displayed: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetHTTP v1.2 Copyright 2002 A program to query HTTP pages and show response times in an MRTG format. Usage: GETHTTP url [-s:servername] [-c] [-d1 | -d2 | -d3] Arguments: url = URL to fetch -s:servername = override URL server name and send request to specific hostname -c = fetch all content on page -d1 = display basic debugging information -d2 = display advanced debugging information -d3 = display all debugging information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage examples: GetHTTP Fetch the HTML page from the root of and return the results in an MRTG form. GetHTTP Fetch the HTML page from the root of on port 8081 and return the results in an MRTG form. GetHTTP Fetch the servicesentinel.html page from on port 8081 and return the results in an MRTG form. GetHTTP Fetch the servicesentinel.html page from and return the results in an MRTG form. GetHTTP -c Fetch the servicesentinel.html page and all graphic content from and return the results in an MRTG form. GetHTTP -s: -c Fetch the servicesentinel.html page and all graphic content from the server at Use the host header of and return the results in an MRTG form. This feature is useful when you want to query specific servers in a web farm for the same page. GetHTTP -c -d1 Fetch the servicesentinel.html page and all graphic content from and return the results in an MRTG form. Provide basic debugging information on the query. Interpreting GetHTTP's output ----------------------------- GetHTTP outputs four lines of information: 2378 <--Milliseconds to fetch page (and content if specified) 200 <--HTTP return code for page (should always be 200) n/a <--Uptime (required by MRTG, not relevant for HTML) <--Target name Note: GetHTTP will not follow HTTP 302 (redirect) requests to new pages. You should manually enter the specific page that you want to query. Setting up GetHTTP with MRTG ---------------------------- You will want to include GetHTTP in your MRTG config file: Target[ezwf]: `c:\tools\GetHTTP -c` Options[ezwf]: gauge, nopercent Title[ezwf]: Web page load times PageTop[ezwf]: <H1> Web page load times</H1> Contacting NetLatency --------------------- For the latest information about our products, please check our WEB site at URL Please send all questions, suggestions, request for technical support and bug reports to our email address: For sales or customer service related questions, email: For technical support questions, email: For other questions relating to product features, enhancements, or sales offerings, email: NetLatency's offices currently cannot provide telephone technical support or sales.