MpegTV SDK for WinCE 3.0

Read the file 'license.html'. You must agree with the
license terms before using this SDK! Basically, use of the SDK for development and
evaluation is FREE, but you need to obtain the proper license from us before
any redistribution or use of software that includes technology from this SDK.

Read lib/300/readme.txt for important library configuration information
if you want to compile for other than Rapier (Pocket PC) platform.

This SDK supports the following platforms and processors:

- Pocket PC (Rapier, Merlin) [ARM, MIPS, SH3, x86em]
- HPC2000 [ARM, MIPS, x86]
- Casio BE-300 [MIPS]

It was tested only with Pocket PC [ARM].  Other platforms may require minor
adjustments in the project settings.

The sample applications 'PocketTV' and 'simpleplayer' should build
out-of-the box using the workspace and project files located in
samples/pockettv/ and samples/simpleplayer/.

The gx folder contains the dll and libraries for the Game API (GAPI 1.2).
Make sure to install gx.dll on the target system! The SDK requires it.

For x86em, you need to install the GAPI emulation from:

To build the sample application simpleplayer:

Unzip the package, go in samples/simpleplayer/, open
the simpleplayer.dsw workspace, choose the right platform
(e.g. Pockety PC / ARM Release), select the 'simpleplayer files' project
and 'build', it should build simpleplayer from the source.  It will
also build sih_sample.dll, a simple but functional SIH (Stream Input Handler)
that simpleplayer attempts to link at startup. sih_sample.dll
interfaces with files.

To build the sample application PocketTV (based on PocketTV 0.6.0):

Unzip the package, go in samples/pockettv/, open
the pockettv.dsw workspace, choose the right platform
(e.g. Pockety PC / ARM Release), select the 'pockettv files' project
and 'build', it should build PocketTV from the source.

Building for Casio BE-300

You must add the following macro to all the projects: WIN32_PLATFORM_BE300

PocketTV must be linked with getdisk.lib coshellapi.lib cso.lib 
and with ../../lib/$(CeVersion)/$(CePlatform)/gx.lib

We welcome your feedback!!!

For support/help regarding this SDK, use the PocketTV SDK Forum at:

-- The PocketTV Team -