Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

                          June 15-18, 1994
                   Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
                           Snowbird, Utah

                          DATES TO REMEMBER

 December 1, 1993:  Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposal
December 13, 1993:  Deadline for submission of reply card
    March 7, 1994:  Deadline for camera-ready papers for conference proceedings
   March 21, 1994:  Deadline for advance registration for contributed participants
 June 15-18, 1994:  SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

Linear algebra is subject to ever-widening demands because of its
central role in mathematics and applications.  The same fundamental
problems occur in many disciplines--solving a sequence of linear
systems, for example, or finding an invariant subspace--but it is
often highly desirable to exploit special structure that arises from
the particular application.  New applications lead to new challenges.
New computer architectures motivate new algorithms, and fresh ways to
look at old ones.

People struggling with the various applications of linear algebra have
a lot to talk about; this conference aims to bring them together for
their mutual benefit.

This meeting will experiment with a new format for contributed papers,
in response to concerns about conflicts between parallel sessions.  
The new format is described below.


Researchers and practitioners from academe, industry, and
government laboratories, including pure mathematicians active in
research in linear algebra and matrix theory; numerical analysts
and computer scientists involved with the development, analysis,
and implementation of computational methods for solving large-
scale problems; and users who look to the preceding two groups
for assistance and guidance and who can bring to the attention of
researchers new problems and directions for research.


* Eigenvalue Computation
  James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley
* Geometry and Eigenvalues
  Persi Diaconis, Harvard University
* Matrix Theory
  Israel Gohberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems
  Anne Greenbaum, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
* Nonnegative Matrices:  Can the Next Century Top This One?
  Charles R. Johnson, College of William and Mary
* Parallel Matrix Computations
  Robert S. Schreiber, RIACS-NASA Ames Research Center


* Numerical Methods for Structured Matrices
  Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, University of Bremen, Germany
* Linear Algebra in Optimization 
  Thomas F. Coleman, Cornell University
* Direct Methods for Large Sparse Systems 
  Iain Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, United Kingdom, and CERFACS, France
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems 
  Roland Freund, AT&T Bell Laboratories
* The Algebraic Ricatti Equation and Applications
  Peter Lancaster, University of Calgary, Canada
* Graph Theory and Linear Algebra 
  Alex Pothen, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Teaching of Linear Algebra
  Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Six minisymposia will be selected from contributed proposals to
complete the set of conference themes.  Minisymposia will be two-hour
sessions, intended to provide a high-level survey of current research
in an important area of applied linear algebra.  This conference will 
have significantly fewer minisymposia than previous Applied Linear 
Algebra meetings; most of the topics that would otherwise be minisymposia 
will instead be discussed in the common-interest sessions (see below).

We invite you to propose a minisymposium in an area not covered by the
plenary speakers and invited minisymposia.  Prospective minisymposium
organizers must provide a session title, a description (not exceeding
one hundred words), a list of speakers and titles of their
presentations, and a 100-word abstract from each minisymposium speaker.
The first presentation should be an overview by the organizer.

To obtain a minisymposium proposal form and instructions, fill out and
return the attached electronic reply card.  The deadline for submission 
of minisymposium proposals is **December 1, 1993**.


As an experiment, this meeting has been organized so that the
presentation of contributed papers will be a dialogue rather than 
a monologue.  Each paper may be presented in three forms:  in a
proceedings volume, as a poster display, and as part of a 2-hour
"common interest" discussion session.  We expect most of the
contributed papers to be presented in all three forms, though this 
is not required.

* Authors are invited to contribute a paper of at most 5 pages to
  a published proceedings, which will be available at the meeting.  
  The author must also assign such a paper to a common-interest 
  session as described below, and is expected to attend that session 
  and participate in the discusssion.  Participants should register in
  advance.  If the registration is not received by **March 21, 1994**,
  the paper will not be included in the proceedings.  Instructions 
  for submitting papers for the proceedings will be mailed to those 
  who fill out and return the attached electronic reply card.  
  **  Camera-ready papers for the proceedings must be received   **
  **  at the SIAM office by **March 7, 1994**.  Any paper which  **
  **  exceeds the 5-page limit or does not conform to the format **
  **  will be excluded from the proceedings.                     **

* Authors may also choose to participate in the structured poster 
  sessions that precede the common interest sessions.  Each author 
  is permitted a 4' by 6' area during the poster session.  Posters 
  can be used in the traditional manner, as independent contributions.  
  They can also be used by authors of proceedings papers in several 
  new ways:  to amplify details or issues for which the page limit on 
  papers prevents full discussion, to display additional graphics or 
  test cases, to allow alternative pedagogic approaches, or simply to 
  call attention to the work in the paper.  Authors who choose to 
  make a poster presentation, but not contribute a paper to the 
  proceedings, must submit a 100-word abstract for their poster by 
  **March 7, 1994**.  A prize for the poster judged best in both form 
  and content will be awarded at the conference banquet.

* A new feature of the 1994 conference is the 25 moderated common-interest 
  sessions.  All attendees are invited to join these sessions.  The 
  common-interest sessions are intended for discussion, primarily of the 
  proceedings papers and posters.  The dicussion will be conducted by a 
  session chair, who has seen the papers in advance, has prepared an 
  introductory survey of the papers, and is prepared to lead discussion.  
  Authors are forewarned that the sessions will not consist of short 
  presentations of results; the proceedings and poster sessions are the 
  primary mechanism for promulgating new ideas to a wide audience at this 
  meeting.  The common-interest sessions will consist of a 1/2 hour 
  attended poster session, followed by 1 1/2 hours of moderated discussion.

The combination of a hard-copy proceedings, a poster, and discussion in a 
common-interest session will permit broader and more complete presentation 
of a contributed paper than is possible in the conventional 12-minute 
contributed talk.  In addition, we hope that this format will reduce the 
conflicts between parallel sessions of contributed talks, since most papers 
will be available in several forms.

We would like participants to present the most current work possible.  
The deadline for submitting papers and poster abstracts is as late as 
production of a proceedings will permit.  However, in order to estimate 
the cost of the proceedings, we request that attendees signal their 
intention to participate by returning the attached postage-paid reply 
card no later than **December 13, 1993**.  Doing so by that date will 
guarantee a place in the proceedings for your paper (which itself must
must be received by the **March 7** deadline) and will allow your 
preliminary title to appear in the preliminary program.

More information on the format of the meeting was published in the May
1993 SIAG/LA Newsletter.  It is also available by anonymous ftp from
the machine "" (IP number as file
"pub/la-net/" (postscript) or "pub/la-net/format94.text" 
(plain text).

* Beresford N. Parlett (Chair)
  University of California, Berkeley
* Harm Bart
  Erasmus University, Rotterdam
* Richard A. Brualdi
  University of Wisconsin
* John R. Gilbert
  Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
* Sven Hammarling
  Numerical Algorithms Group
* John G. Lewis
  Boeing Computer Services
* Paul Van Dooren
  University of Illinois


The conference program and registration information will be available
in early March 1994.  To ensure receiving your copy, complete the
attached electronic reply card and return it to
**Prospective participants must complete and return this card by
  December 13, 1993.**

To request a hard copy of the reply card, call SIAM at 215-382-9800.


If you prefer, you may respond to this call for papers and/or submit
your final paper by electronic mail.  This ascii version of the call
for papers and reply card is available by anonymous ftp from the machine
"" (IP number as file "pub/la-net/call94.text".
The filled-out reply card must be returned by e-mail to ""
no later than December 13, 1993.  All authors who return the reply card
(either by e-mail or postal mail) will be sent instructions for e-mail
submission of final papers.  You may continue to submit papers by hard 
copy if you wish.

---------------------cut here for e-mail reply card-----------------------

                       ELECTRONIC REPLY CARD

Fill out and send to "" no later than **December 13, 1993**.

* Name:
* Organization:
* Department:
* Address:
* City:                     State:             Zip:
* Country:
* Telephone:                Fax:
* E-mail (very important!):

* I wish to participate in the conference and submit a contributed paper.
  My preference is (check one):

  [ ] A 5-page paper for the proceedings.
  [ ] A poster presentation.
  [ ] Both a proceedings paper and a poster presentation.

  I will pre-register by **March 21, 1994**.  If my registration does 
  not reach the SIAM office by that date, my paper or poster abstract 
  will be excluded from the proceedings.

* The provisional title of my presentation is:

* My co-authors are (list names, affiliations, and addresses):


* Please check the ONE common interest session to which your presentation
  best corresponds.  If no listed session is appropriate for your paper,
  please suggest a title for a session (at the same level of generality
  as those listed) that would be.

[ ]  Applications in optimization and operations research.
[ ]  Applications in signal and image processing.
[ ]  Applications in statistics and probability.
[ ]  Applications in systems and control.
[ ]  Applications, other.
[ ]  Canonical forms and matrix factorizations.
[ ]  Combinatorial matrix theory.
[ ]  Condition estimation and rank-revealing factorizations.
[ ]  Education and teaching.
[ ]  Eigenvalue and singular value problems: dense problems.
[ ]  Eigenvalue and singular value problems: sparse problems.
[ ]  Generalized and quadratic eigenvalue problems.
[ ]  Generalized inverses and least squares.
[ ]  Graph theory and linear algebra.
[ ]  Matrix functions and operator theory.
[ ]  Multilinear algebra and matrices over rings and algebras.
[ ]  Norms and numerical ranges.
[ ]  Parallel algorithms for dense problems.
[ ]  Parallel algorithms for sparse problems.
[ ]  Sparse direct methods.
[ ]  Structured matrices.
[ ]  Symmetric iterative methods.
[ ]  Unsymmetric iterative methods: iterative acceleration methods.
[ ]  Unsymmetric iterative methods: preconditioning, domain decomposition, 
[ ]  Other (specify):

* Check any that apply:

[ ]  I am interested in organizing a two-hour minisymposium.  Send me
     a minisymposium proposal form.

[ ]  I am interested in attending the conference.  Send me a conference
     program and registration information.

[ ]  I am a member of:  [ ] ACM  [ ] AMS  [ ] IEEE  [ ] ILAS  [ ] SIAM  
                        [ ] Other:

[ ]  Please send me information about membership in SIAM.

Fill out and send to "" no later than **December 13, 1993**.