eyebol is a Delphi project analyser that

  * Spell checks forms (labels, hints,
      column headings,etc) and code (Showmessage,
      MessageDlg,etc.) in one of 10 languages
  * Provides over 50 new hints and warnings including
      optimizations, unfreed objects, 
      invalid statements and incorrect coding
      and forms. Extensive list.
  * Naming suggestions for components with
      only default naming
  * Many hints, warnings and naming suggestions
      can be applied to your project automatically
  * Basic statistics and scan report option 
  * Spell check Delphi/C++ Builder built executables

7 day trial available with manual and sample project

eyebol spell checks and suggests optimizations and warnings for Delphi forms and code. The suggestions can be anything from unfreed objects and faster coding methods to spelling mistakes in your message boxes. It can remove redundant data in your forms (unused captions, etc.) and can be customized to spell check your own routines. Many fixes for the suggestions can be applied automatically. Some general statistics are also provided.

Forms :
Spell Checks the following form data :
	Captions,Hints,Grid and Column headings,etc.

Finds and removes redundant data
	Unused Captions (e.g. on Panels, Toolbars,etc.)

Checks for form errors :
	Bad use of ampersand
	Incorrect active Page on a pagecontrol
	Tables and Queries left open
	Warns about unused hints

Code :

Spell checks parameters to functions and procedures such as :
		MessageDialog, ShowMessage, etc.
	and you can specify your own procedures
Hints, Warnings and Optimizations including :
	Unfreed Objects (i.e. StringLists, Queries...
		and add your own)
	Invalid or unoptimized Copy statements
	Improved use of date functions
	Invalid Format commands
	Check for inherited in constructors/destructors
	Cursors left as busy
Over 20 other Code optimization suggestions

Statistics :
        Lines of code, number of procedures and functions  
	Count of statements, form objects and variables used
	Uses list count

Whats new in Version 1.10b
Optional download of 9 other dictionaries for spell checker
Now handles include files (with configurable path)
Improved and configurable naming suggestions
Now works with 3rd party components and naming style is configurable
Test every IFDEF compiler define combination in your code (Optional)
	Slow (8 $IFDEFs=256 combinations) but useful for component writers
3 new warnings added 
	Checks width and height of text objects for truncation
	Looks for unused for loops
3 new hints added 
	2 new hotkey label checks for FocusControl and StrLen check
Option to use Microsoft Word's spell checker
Reports can be saved as RTF
Start screen added with most recently opened item in menu
Fixed issue where binary form files were not scanned
Mostly minor bug fixes and cosmetic fixes:
	Cosmetic fixes to interface
		Main screen should be better size on startup
		Tree Menu can be navigated with the keyboard
		Splitter should not malfunction
		Many more minor changes
	Spell checker 
		Ignores words containing numbers
		Multi select "Ignore words" is working
	Some erroneous hints and warnings have now been fixed
        TActions now considered properly
	Some more VCL components are now recognised (actions, statictext, etc.)