Web Components 1.0 for Delphi facts sheet:

Classes :   TWeb           The core of the library, it provide
                           the capability to retrieve every
                           kind of document (HTML, text, images,
                           audio) from any web site, by just
                           specifing its URL. (Support HTTP, FTP,
                           Gopher, and File protocols)
            TWebGif        Based on TWeb component, it displays
                           GIF picture WHILE downloading; support
                           interlaced GIFS, auto dimensioning, 
                           palette management, transparency, mapping
                           mode and clickable pictures.

            TWebParser     Connected to a TWeb component, structures
                           an HTML document into objects and 
                           formatting attributes. Supports ALL the                                 features in HTML 3.0 (tables, forms etc.),
                           tags of HTML 3.0 (forms, clinet-side image
                           mapping, etc.) can be easily extended or 
                           modified by adding or removing the 
                           default objets formatter.
                           (Parsing speed 8000 tags/sec on 486/66)                           

            TWebSurface    Connected to a TWebParser document, display
                           the document on the screen, with LIVE
                           formatting while user resize the box (try
                           this in Netscape!). Even this component is

            TWebViewer     A complete WWW browser in a component!


For info:


                or 100560.723@compuserve@com