Upload Information Template for ftp.ctan.org

            Archive Name:  jpeg2ps2.zip
       Short Description:  jpeg to postscript converter, version 1.8
        Long Description:  OS/2 port of the jpeg to postscript converter
	                   by Thomas Merz, version 1.8
      Proposed directory
           for placement:  /tex-archive/support/jpeg2ps/os2/jpeg2ps2.zip

               Your name:  Stefan A. Deutscher
           Email address:  sad@utk.edu
    Program contact name:  (same)
   Program contact email:  (same)
        Program homepage:  http://www.ifconnection.de/~tm/
	  Program Source:  included, from the author's web site
	 Licensing terms:  nosell

      Would you like the
     contact information
                included?  yes

Operating System/Version:  OS/2 v2.x and higher
 Additional requirements:  needs emx runtime (emxrt.zip), 0.9c+emxfix2 or higher

                Replaces:  jpeg2ps2.zip, version 1.5 / 1.6