CERT Advisory CA-2001-35 Recent Activity Against Secure Shell Daemons

   Original release date: December 13, 2001
   Last revised: --
   Source: CERT/CC

   A complete revision history can be found at the end of this file.

Systems Affected

   Systems running implementations of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol


   There  are  multiple vulnerabilities in several implementations of the
   Secure  Shell  (SSH)  protocol.  The  SSH  protocol  enables  a secure
   communications channel from a client to a server. We are seeing a high
   amount  of  scanning  for SSH daemons, and we are receiving reports of
   exploitation. System administrators should review their configurations
   to  ensure  that  they  have applied all relevant patches prior to the
   holiday break.

I. Description

   There  are  multiple vulnerabilities in several implementations of the
   Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. While these problems have been previously
   disclosed,  we believe many system and network administrators may have
   overlooked  one  or more of these vulnerabilities. We are issuing this
   document  primarily  to encourage system and network administrators to
   check  their systems, prior to the holiday break, for exposure to each
   of  these vulnerabilities. The CERT/CC is still seeing active scanning
   and exploitation of vulnerabilities related to SSH.

   We  also  believe  that  it  is important for system administrators to
   realize  that  several implementations of SSH version 2 will use their
   implementation  of SSH version 1 if it is present and requested by the
   client.  Therefore,  upgrading  to  SSH version 2 is not necessarily a
   sufficient  means to patch vulnerabilities that are present in the SSH
   version 1 implementation.

   The  following  vulnerability note and incident note describe activity
   regarding  the  SSH  CRC32  attack  detection  code  integer  overflow

   VU#945216  -  SSH  CRC32 attack detection code contains remote integer

   There   is   a   remote  integer  overflow  vulnerability  in  several
   implementations of the SSH1 protocol. This vulnerability is located in
   a  segment  of code that was introduced to defend against exploitation
   of  CRC32  weaknesses  in the SSH1 protocol (see VU#13877). The attack
   detection function (detect_attack, located in deattack.c) makes use of
   a  dynamically  allocated  hash  table to store connection information
   that  is  then  examined  to  detect  and respond to CRC32 attacks. By
   sending  a  crafted  SSH1  packet to an affected host, an attacker can
   cause  the SSH daemon to create a hash table with a size of zero. When
   the   detection  function  then  attempts  to  hash  values  into  the
   null-sized  hash  table, these values can be used to modify the return
   address  of  the  function  call,  thus causing the program to execute
   arbitrary code with the privileges of the SSH daemon, typically root.

   IN-2001-12 - Exploitation of vulnerability in SSH1 CRC-32 compensation
   attack detector

   In  reports  received  by  the  CERT/CC,  systems compromised via this
   vulnerablity  have  exhibited  the  following  pattern  in  system log

hostname sshd[xxx]: Disconnecting: Corrupted check bytes on input.
hostname sshd[xxx]: Disconnecting: crc32 compensation attack: network attack detected
hostname sshd[xxx]: Disconnecting: crc32 compensation attack: network attack detected

   Some  exploits  for  this  vulnerability  appear  to use a brute force
   method, so many messages of this type may be logged before a system is
   successfully compromised.

   The  following  artifacts  have  been  discovered on systems that were
   successfully compromised:

     * Installation  of rootkits that modify standard system utilities to
       hide the intruder's actions
     * Installation  of  Trojan  horse  versions  of  the  SSH  software,
       compiled    from    the    latest   OpenSSH   source   code   plus
       intruder-supplied modifications
     * Installation  of  tools  to  scan  large  network blocks for other
       systems  that  are vulnerable to compromise. Log files left behind
       from  these  tools  indicate  that they operate by looking for the
       banner displayed upon connection to the sshd service.

   For  a  list  of  vulnerability  notes related to SSH vulnerabilities,
   please see the References section.

II. Impact

   The  CRC32  attack  detection  code integer overflow vulnerability, as
   well  as some of the vulnerabilities listed in the References section,
   can  be  exploited  remotely. In some cases, they allow an intruder to
   execute  arbitrary  code  with  the  privileges of the SSH application
   daemon, usually root. In some cases, an intruder must be an authorized
   user of the system.

   For   specific   information  about  the  impacts  of  each  of  these
   vulnerabilities,  please consult the CERT Vulnerability Notes Database

III. Solution

Update to the latest version

   If  possible, update your implementation of SSH to the latest release.
   If  you are unable to update to the latest version, apply all relevant
   patches  to your current version. It is also recommended that you look
   at the security or support section on each vendor's site.

   Note  that  it  is important for system administrators to realize that
   several implementations of SSH version 2 will use their implementation
   of  SSH  version  1  if  it  is  present  and requested by the client.
   Therefore,  upgrading to SSH version 2 is not necessarily a sufficient
   means  to  patch vulnerabilities that are present in the SSH version 1

   Current   versions  for  Data  Fellows  (F-Secure)  can  be  found  at

   Current  versions  for  SSH  Communications  Security  can be found at

   Current versions for OpenSSH can be found at http://www.openssh.com.

   Please visit your vendor's web site for the latest version.

Apply a patch from your vendor

   Appendix A contains information provided by vendors for this advisory.
   As  vendors report new information to the CERT/CC, we will update this
   section  and note the changes in our revision history. If a particular
   vendor  is  not  listed below, we have not received their comments for
   the  advisory.  Please  review  the  CERT Vulnerability Notes Database
   (http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls) or contact your vendor directly.

Restrict access to the SSH service

   As  a  general  practice, we recommend disabling all services that are
   not  explicitly  required.  You  may wish to disable the SSH access if
   there is not a patch available from your vendor.

   If  you  cannot  disable  the  service, you can limit your exposure to
   these vulnerabilities by using a router or firewall to restrict access
   to  port  22/TCP  (SSH).  Use  tcp wrappers or a program that provides
   similar  functionality, or use the key-based IP restriction offered by
   your  implementation.  Note  that  this  does  not protect you against
   attackers from within your network.

Appendix A. - Vendor Information

   This  appendix  contains  information  provided  by  vendors  for this
   advisory.  As  vendors  report new information to the CERT/CC, we will
   update this section and note the changes in our revision history. If a
   particular  vendor  is  not  listed  below, we have not received their
   comments  for the advisory. Please review the CERT Vulnerability Notes
   Database   (http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls)   or   contact   your  vendor

Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (BSDI)

   The current 3.0.2p1 version of OpenSSH is available for BSD/OS version
   4.2  in  patch  M420-018 and for BSD/OS 4.3 in patch M430-001. Patches
   are  available via ftp from ftp://ftp.bsdi.com/bsdi/patches or via our
   web site at http://www.bsdi.com/support.


   Fujitsu's  UXP/V  operating system is not affected by the SSH security
   vulnerabilities because it does not support the SSH package.

Hewlett-Packard Company

   This issue does not apply to HP-UX. HP does not ship SSH.

IBM Corporation

   IBM's  AIX  operating  system  does  not  ship  with OpenSSH; however,
   OpenSSH  isavailable  for  installation  on AIX via the Linux Affinity
   Toolkit.  The  version  included  on  the CD containing the Toolkit is
   vulnerable  to  the  latest  discovered  vulnerability discussed here,
   VU#157447,  as  was  the  version of OpenSSH available for downloading
   from  the  IBM Linux Affinity website. We have updated this version on
   the  website  to one that is not vulnerable to this security exposure.
   This  version  also  fixes the other vulnerabilities described in this
   advisory. Customers can download this version by going to:


   This    site   contains   Linux   Affinity   applications   containing
   cryptographic  algorithms,  and  new  users  of this site are asked to
   register first.


   The  CRC32  attack  vulnerability  was  patched  in  NetBSD-current on
   October  30,  2000.  NetBSD  1.5  and later already include the patch.
   Users  maintaining  earlier  revisions  of  NetBSD should update their
   systems  using the security/openssh package from NetBSD pkgsrc if they
   have not already done so.

   Up   to   date   NetBSD   security   information  on  SSH,  and  other
   vulnerabilities is available from http://www.netbsd.org/Security/

Sun Microsystems

   Sun does not ship the Secure Shell (SSH), thus Solaris is not affected
   by this issue.

   The  CERT  Coordination Center thanks Markus Friedl of OpenSSH for the
   technical assistance he provided.

   Feedback  on  this  document  can be directed to the authors, 
   Jason A. Rafail and Chad Dougherty


   ID     Date Public               Name

VU#19124  01/20/98    SSH authentication agent follows symlinks via a UNIX domain socket

VU#13877  06/11/98    Weak CRC allows packet injection into SSH sessions encrypted with block ciphers

VU#40327  06/09/2000  OpenSSH UseLogin option allows remote execution of commands as root

VU#363181 12/07/2000  OpenSSH  disregards  client  configuration  and allows server access to ssh-agent and/or X11 after session negotiation

VU#850440 01/16/2001  SSH1  may  generate  weak passphrase when using Secure RPC

VU#684820 01/18/2001  SSH-1  allows  client  authentication  to  be forwarded by a malicious server to another server

VU#565052 01/18/2001  Passwords sent via SSH encrypted with RC4 can be easily cracked

VU#786900 01/18/2001  SSH host key authentication can be bypassed when DNS is used to resolve localhost

VU#25309  01/18/2001  Weak CRC allows RC4 encrypted SSH1 packets to be modified without notice

VU#118892 01/18/2001  Older SSH clients do not allow users to disable X11 forwarding

VU#665372 01/18/2001  SSH   connections   using  RC4  and  password authentication can be replayed

VU#315308 01/18/2001  Weak CRC allows last block of IDEA-encrypted SSH packet to be changed without notice

VU#945216 02/08/2001  SSH CRC32 attack detection code contains remote integer overflow

VU#596827 03/19/2001  Weaknesses   in  the  SSH  protocol  simplify brute-force attacks against passwords typed in an existing SSH session

VU#655259 06/12/2001  OpenSSH  allows  arbitrary  file  deletion  via symlink redirection of temporary file

VU#737451 07/20/2001  SSH  Secure  Shell  sshd2  does  not adequately authenticate   logins  to  accounts  with  encrypted  password  fields containing two or fewer characters

VU#279763 11/19/2001  RhinoSoft  Serv-U  remote administration client transmits password in plaintext

VU#157447 12/04/2001  OpenSSH  UseLogin  directive  permits privilege escalation

   This document is available from:

CERT/CC Contact Information

   Email: cert@cert.org
          Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
          Fax: +1 412-268-6989
          Postal address:
          CERT Coordination Center
          Software Engineering Institute
          Carnegie Mellon University
          Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

   CERT/CC   personnel   answer  the  hotline  08:00-17:00  EST(GMT-5)  /
   EDT(GMT-4)  Monday  through  Friday;  they are on call for emergencies
   during other hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.

Using encryption

   We  strongly  urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.
   Our public PGP key is available from


   If  you  prefer  to  use  DES,  please  call the CERT hotline for more

Getting security information

   CERT  publications  and  other security information are available from
   our web site


   To  subscribe  to  the CERT mailing list for advisories and bulletins,
   send  email  to majordomo@cert.org. Please include in the body of your

   subscribe cert-advisory

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   Copyright 2001 Carnegie Mellon University.

   Revision History
December 13, 2001:  Initial release

Version: PGP 6.5.8
