 Component TFileVersionInfo 1.0

The TFileVersionInfo component reads out the version informations from a specified 
version-information resource. The appropriate resource will be retrieved from 
executable Win32 file images. 
16-bit Windows file images are not supported. 
This component is using the Win32-API functions GetFileVersionInfo, GetFileVersionInfoSize,

Delphi Versions supported: D4

- Automatic derivation of country codes

This component was written by 
 Helmut Schottmüller.

Copy the files
- FileVersionInfo.pas
- FileVersionInfo.dcu
- FileVersionInfo.dcr
to the target directory. From within Delphi choose Component | Install Component
and select FileVersionInfo.pas. Select Compile, then install. After installing
TFileVersionInfo will appear in a VCL tab called 3rdParty.

Registering Help Files
Copy the files
- FileVersionInfo.hlp
- FileVersionInfo.cnt
- FileVersionInfo.toc
to the target directory (e.g. $(DELPHI)\Help) and register the files on each tab
in the Borland OpenHelp utility.

Any suggestions or questions are welcome.
Please mail to: hschottm@informatik.uni-bremen.de