The TGaugeEdit component is a combination of a TEdit control and a progress
gauge.  The gauge is drawn as a gradient underneth the TEdit's text.  This
is version 0.1 initial release.

The purpose of this gauge is for user interfaces that associate a text entry
field with something that uses a progress gauge.  An example of this is a URL
location within a web browser.

To use this control, simply place it on your form and use it like you would
use a TEdit box.

This also provides Position and Max properties to adjust the gauge under the
text and the EndColor property to adjust the gauge color.

Installation and usage instructions are on my web page at:

This component is released under LGPL (Lesser Gnu Public License).  For more
information about LGPL, see their web page at:

Copyright (C) 2000  Brendan Rempel