                           Delphi Fundamentals v1.04


The package consists of a collection of code units.

  i) cUtils

     Common functions, including:
         * Dynamic array (simple types)
         * Linked list (simple types)

  ii) cStrings

     A collection of string functions, including:
         * CopyRange, CopyFrom, CopyLeft, CopyRight
         * Paste
         * TrimLeft, TrimRight, Trim, TrimQuotes, TrimEllipse
         * Dup
         * Reverse, IsPalindrome
         * Match
         * PosNext, PosPrev
         * Boyer-Moore-Horspool PosNext
         * Replace, QuoteText, Remove, RemoveDup
         * Count, CountWords
         * PosN
         * Before, After, Between
         * Split, Join
         * PadLeft, PadRight, Pad
         * IsNumber, IsHexNumber, IsInteger, IsReal, IsScientificReal,
         * Number
         * Pack
         * Translate

  iii) cDateTime

     Date manupilation functions, including:

         * Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond
         * IsEqual, IsAM, IsPM, IsMidnight, IsNoon, IsWeekend
         * Noon, Midnight, FirstDayOfMonth, LastDayOfMonth, NextWorkDay,
           PreviousWorkday, FirstDayOfYear, LastDayOfYear
         * EasterSunday, GoodFriday
         * AddMilliseconds, AddSeconds, AddMinutes, AddHours, AddDays,
           AddWeeks, AddMonths, AddYears
         * DayOfYear, DaysInMonth, DaysInYear, WeekNumber
         * DiffMilliseconds, DiffSeconds, DiffMinutes, DiffHours, DiffDays,
           DiffWeeks, DiffMonths, DiffYears
         * DateTimeToANSI, ANSIToDateTime, DateTimeToISOInteger, DateTimeToISO,
           ISOIntegerToDateTime, TimeToRFCTime, DateTimeToRFC850,

  iv) cMaths

     Mathematical functions, including:

         * Mathematical constants
         * RealArray / IntegerArray manipulation
         * Trigonometric functions
         * Primes
         * Rational numbers
         * Complex numbers
         * Vectors
         * Matrices
         * 3D transformations (rotations, scaling, projection)
         * Combinatoric functions
         * Statistical functions (incl probability density functions and
           random number generators)
         * Computer maths
         * Hashing functions (XOR, CRC, MD5)
         * Actuarial functions (TVM, Mortality)
         * Numerical solvers (Secant, Newton, Derivates, Simpson Integration)
         * Sets

  v) cStreams

     Stream abstraction and implementation for files and memory. The following
     is implemented for streams:

         * Binary packing/unpacking of simple data types
         * Text parsing

  vi) cInternetStandards

     Common internet standards. The following have been implemented:

         * HTML parser (decoding)
         * HTML encoding
         * Message/Header handling

  vii) cHTTP

     HTTP protocol. An HTTP Server has been implemented.

  viii) cTypes

     Base classes for data structures (simple types).

  ix) cDataStructs
     Implementation of data structures in cTypes.

  x) cODSOrg

     Class to update the ods.org dynamic domain service.

  xi) cIdent

     Implements an Ident server.

  xii) cIRC
     Currently implements an IRC client that can connect to
     multiple servers simultaneously.

                       Rel 1.00 Rel 1.01 Rel 1.02 Rel 1.03 Rel1.04
   Unit                26/11/99 01/12/99 02/12/99 09/05/00 05/07/00
 --------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
   cMaths               0.21     0.22     0.23     0.34    0.40
   cStrings             0.09     0.10     0.10     0.14    0.14
   cDateTime            0.02     0.02     0.02     0.05    0.05    
   cStreams             0.10     0.10     0.10     0.25    0.29
   cUtils                -        -        -       0.05    0.12
   cDataStructs          -        -        -       0.02    0.09
   cTypes                -        -        -        -      0.05
   cInternetStandards    -        -        -       0.11    0.12
   cHTTP                 -        -        -       0.04    0.05
   cODSOrg               -        -        -        -      0.02
   cIdent                -        -        -        -      0.03
   cIRC                  -        -        -        -      0.02

   See source files for specifics.

About the project:

Delphi Fundamentals is a project that aims to implement a set of
base units that will allow for higher level development in Delphi.
The outline I currently have in mind is:

     L0   Base units 
            Maths, Strings, DateTime, Streams and Data structures (simple types).
     L1   Internet units
     L2   Data structures (complex types)
     L3   Parsers


* Only Delphi 4/5 is currently supported.

Copyright information:

These units are copyrighted by the author (c) 1995-2000.

There is no restrictions on use of these libraries in your applications,
including commercial applications. Visible credits somewhere in your
application is not required, although it would be appreciated.

Included is the complete source code. In this same spirit I ask that you
contribute to its further development.

You are not allowed to distribute a modified version of the source files though,
nor misrepresent the origin of these libraries.

Please send any changes, suggestions or bug reports to the author for inclusion
in future releases.

Contacting the author:

Feel free to contact me at david@e.co.za
Project homepage: Search for "Delphi Fundamentals" on http://www.sourceforge.net