triadis engineering GmbH - DB Form Template | |
TrDBFormTemplate Version 1.0 |
TrDbFormTemplate is a very powerful Form-Template specifically designed to give professional CS database frontend developers unmatched power in their Delphi frontend applications. Demoapplication as a frontend for Delphi's MastApp database. TrDBFormTemplate use RxLib components. |
Form and Table View TrDbFormTemplate shows data in two different ways.
Auto SQL Update support TrDbFormTemplate supports automatic Delphis SQL-Update component. Features
Filter Dialog TrDbFormTemplate uses a Filter-Dialog to reduce the number of records in form's dataset. Filtering sets a WHERE clause in the SELECT statement of the query object and requery the dataset. This procedure results in small dataset and minimum net load between server and client. Filtering does NOT use Delphi's TTable or TQuery filter property! The Filter-Dialog is designed by the programmer and is depending of the application. The Filter-Dialog should only support the most important filter and search criteria. It should be a very easy way to filter data. Features
Filter Script TrDbFormTemplate uses a Filter-Script-Dialog to reduce the number of records in form's dataset. Filtering sets a WHERE clause in the SELECT statement of the query object and requerys the dataset. This procedure results in small dataset and minimum net load between server and client. Filtering does NOT use Delphis TTable or TQuery filter property! The Filter Script Dialog gives power users full access to the WHERE and ORDER BY clause. But, programmer can set the base WHERE expressions which always applies. Features
Filter Manager TrDbFormTemplate uses a Filter-Manager to store and recall filter expressions. Any filter expressions generated by Filter-Dialog or Filter-Script-Dialog can by stored in the filter database. User can recall these stored filters from the filter select combo box. Features
Record navigator TrDbFormTemplate uses speed buttons for user record navigation. Features
Record number feedback TrDbFormTemplate displays current record position and number of records in dataset to the user.. Features
Restors Forms position and size TrDbFormTemplate stores form position and size in users registry section. Features
Jump from Form to Form TrDbFormTemplate user can jump (switch) from one form to another using Ctrl+Tab key. Features
Jump within Form sections TrDbFormTemplate user can move focus from one form section to another. Focus control in Delphi is insufficient, you are unable to move focus away from a grid or a DBCtrlGrid without using the mouse. TrDbFormTemplate allow to move focus from panel, grid or ctrlgrid to another by pressing the F7 key. Features
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