CommentsOUT Delphi Expert, by Reinaldo Yañez Arrey. (C)opyright 2000 Reinaldo Yañez Arrey. Description: CommentsOUT is a Delphi Expert that allows users to un-comment pascal code and easyly re-comment it. It replaces comments by marks on the original file and creates one additional module that contains a comment listing. The created module is a well-formed pascal file that is added to the project, and can be edited using the Delphi IDE. By pressing a button, the original unit is reconstructed. Unsupported features: _ When you un-comment a unit without saving to disk and then you save it, it's necesary to close CommentsOUT window and open it again in order to rebuild the list of units. _ When you rename an uncommented unit, the corresponding coment listing header is not updated, loosing syncro. (Can be solved by hand, editing the new name over line 'Commenting File: xxx.pas' Where xxx.pas is the name of the renamed unit.) _ When you re-comment a saved unit, the list of comments is no longer valid but remains as a project unit. I really don't know how to automatically remove it from the project. Any idea ??? Sorry for this limitations, but I did not implement ModuleNotifiers yet... Comming soon ??????? Author: Reinaldo Yañez Arrey. Suggestions: Sebastian Sanchez. Copyrights and Disclaimer: This code is shareware. The full source code is available for u$s15. The registered version is smaller than the not registered version when compiled, due to 'copyright statement protection techniques'. ;) No warranties, express or implied, are provided. The author is not responsible for any problems caused by this expert. Use it at your own risk. The author provides no support whatsoever, and is not obligated to any person or corporation for anything related to this software. The author reserves all rights concerning this code. You are free to use it as you see fit, but if you make modifications or improvements that may benefit the Delphi programming community, I would appreciate hearing from you. This code cannot be sold for any purposes, or included in a commercial collection, without the express written consent of the author. By installing these files on your computer, you agree to all above conditions. Installation: Simply copy CommentsOUT.dll to c:\Program Files\Rya (can be any directory) and create a new registry key using the .reg files. Delphi 3: InstallCOutDelphi3.reg: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\3.0\Experts] "CommentsOUT"="C:\\Program Files\\Rya\\CommentsOUT.dll" Delphi 4: InstallCOutDelphi4.reg: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\4.0\Experts] "CommentsOUT"="C:\\Program Files\\Rya\\CommentsOUT.dll" Delphi 5: InstallCOutDelphi5.reg: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\Experts] "CommentsOUT"="C:\\Program Files\\Rya\\CommentsOUT.dll"