
Written by C.Geng 
(Zhejiang University, 
Hang Zhou, People's Republic of China)

First release on July 13, 1998.

A visual control which manage many buttons, a little similiar with 
VISIO component selector, or a little like microsoft Outlook, but 
not the same.  Useful for choose from a lot of items.  

You need another component to work with it: Colorbutton which include 
in a package named of, it was written by William Yang
or you can find it in DSP or
Torry's Delphi Page(

Exe-demo included.

Sorry for no document for this component, but I have written an
example to show how to use the component. Please refer to the
source code for how to add new tab and new button.

The code is free.  If you like it, please send me a mail.

The code was written in a hurry, there may be some bugs, 
if you can improve it, or you modified it to do something
else, I hope I can get a copy of it.