Filename    : CNTServiceCtrl.pas
    Description : NT Service Control Non-Visual Component
    Version     : 0.9
    Date        : July 28, 1999
    Compiler    : Delphi 4.x, 3.x
    OS          : Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Tested)
                  Microsoft Windows 2000 beta 3 (Tested)
    Category    : Freeware

    Author      : Warren Chin
    E-Mail      :

    I came across one day that I need to start and stop a NT service
    programatically. Digging around in the net hunting for freeware component
    for hours and couldn't find any. Finally end up studying the API calls,
    studying some sample code and wrote the component for it

    Please feel free to drop me a mail if you have any comment. If any changes
    or improvement is make, please drop me a copy too.

    Machine: String         The machine where the service located, must
                            preceded with \\, for example '\\server', leave
                            empty if local
    Service: String         The service name
    Active: Boolean         Activate the component, connect to the Service Manager
    ServiceActive: Boolean  Activate and de-activate the service, i.e. Start Stop

    function Start: boolean;                Start the Service
    function Stop : boolean;                Stop the Service
    function Restart: boolean;              Restart the Service
    function ServiceGetStatus : Longint;    Lower level Status report, if you need
                                            more information then just RUNNING and STOPPED

    OnStatus    Will report current status of the execution in String if assigned
    OnError     Will trigger upon error, will eliminate the MessageBox popup of assigned