PaintGrid Components v1.0 for Delphi 3/4/5/6/7
Copyright 2002 - 2003 by Qarsoft
All rights reserved

e-mail: info@qarsoft.com



The package includes two component for Delphi 3/4/5/6/7: PaintBoxGrid,
and BitmapGrid. They constructs dynamic grids by auto
scaling and decent numbering for drawing 2D charts.
Numbering happens by ranges of 1eX, 2eX and 5eX from zero.
Also there are Events for Labels modification possibilities.

TPaintBoxGrid - this visual component is descended from TGraphicControl
object and a grid is drawn by automatic scaling depending on their sizes
at design time and at run time (see Demo1).

TBitmapGrid - this non visual component is possible to use for obtaining a
grid with chart as Bitmap (see Demo2).

The package includes AutoGrid unit (kernel of both component), which can be
used for direct drawing of grid on any TCanvas object (see Demo3).


The components contain several mutual properties:

Width, Height: sizes of Control;
MarginTop, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight: Margins of a Grid;
XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax: minimal and maximal values for numbering;
XGridRange, YGridRange: minimal distances (pixels) between lines of grid;
XLabelRange, YLabelRange: minimal distances  (pixels) between Labels of grid;
GridMode: mNone - no Grid, mVer - only vertical lines, mHor - only horizontal lines,
 mBoth - both;
Font: Font of Labels and other texts;
Color: Color of Background;
GridColor: Color of Grid;
XInterlabelGrid, YInterlabelGrid: enables or disables lines between lines of Labels;
XInteger, YInteger: enables or disables decimal numeric Labels;
OnPaint: the Event for drawing chart after drawing of Grid (Does not exist in TBitmapGrid);
OnXLabel, OnYLabel: the Events for modification of Labels (labels of date or other).


Copy the following files in one folder and
Install PaintGrd.pas as component (Menu - <Component>, <Install Component>).

1) PaintGrd.dcr
2) PaintGrd.pas
3) Autogrid.dcu or Autogrid.pas