TFileCopyNew This is a newest enhanced release of TFileCopy. New most features : 1) multifolder-multifiles copy 2) wild cards allowed on sourceFile and targetFile properties 3) full event-driven messaging on errors, copy progresses and overriding behaviors 4) the memo property is ready made to attach a TMemo component to trace copy events A special thank to everybody wrote me suggestions and comments . This new release has born from a great brain storm, thank's to everybody has contributed to it. This release is the one I'm using this time and , I hope, it's the best compromise between enhanced features and simplicity of use. technical refs : TFileCopyNew = class(TComponent) properties * IncludeSubFolders - <default true> , allows source subfolders to be included in the copy The component call forceDirectories to create any target subfolder as it is in the source structure * Memo - a TMemo component to be attached to automatically trace copy progresses * Name . . . * ShowProgressesOnMemo - write On Memo property the copy progresses * SourceFile - is the source path-name and allows wild cards * Tag . . . * TargetFile - is the target path-name and allows wild cards events * OnCopyProgress - sends on event's parameters read/written bytes during copy, to be displayed in a progressbar or something else accepting word parameters * OnError - sends on event's parameters any error string message * OnOverriding - sends on event's parameters the boolean CanOvveride parameter like TForm in OnCloseQuery with CanClose parameter methods procedure ExecCopy - execute the copy I'm uploading DprBckp.dpr too that's a TFileCopyNew example application with sources. DprBckp.dpr is a freeware developer utility to backUp delphi's complex projects (I mean projects mapped on multiple folders, i.e. : myProject\dataModules myProject\classes myProject\interfaces \ ... ) To have more infos and frequently updated releases about this component and other products come to my home page : or mail me your suggestions at