// Included : 
//	- EzRgnBtn sources
//	- Simply EXE-demo of how this component look at work
//      - This readme file, cutted from the PAS-source

//  EzRgnBtn component
//  Main functionality :
//       Component may hold and manage from 1 to 4 images for different
//       states of the component : Idle, Pressed, MouseOver & Disabled
//       Component may be painted in three different ways: as regular bitmap,
//       transparent and !!! may be CROPPED.
//  Main usage :
//       EzRgnBtn may be used as Panel or Button.
//  Notes : if one of the images is not filled then Component uses Idle image
//          for special state.
//          This unit also exports 2 funtions which are used by the EzRgnBtn
//          itself :
//                 CropWindow & UncropWindow
//          both functions may be used separately from the component.
//          See the Example project for other details
//         ==  public Methods ==
//         procedure Down( HowLong : longint );
//                   * simulates the Pressing on the EzRgnBtn.
//                     Simply light the button fro shorty time
//         ==  public and published Properties ==
//         property AutoRepeat : Boolean;
//                    * I enabled then when continue holding the EzRgnBtn pressing
//                      then generates Pressing on the component
//         property Enabled : boolean;
//         property Disabled : boolean;
//                    * Two properties fot Enable/Disable state of the EzRgnBtn
//                      The seconds is read only, but sometime may be very powerfull property
//         property PicIdle   : TPicture;
//         property PicDown   : TPicture;
//         property PicUp     : TPicture;
//         property PicDsbld  : TPicture;
//                    * Four states of the component. Idle - is Mandatory and three other
//                      are optional.
//         property PaintMode : TPaintMode;
//                    * Says to component how be painted. There are three ways:
//                      Normal, Crop and Transparent.
//         property ImageList : TImageList;
//                    * EzRgnBtn know to load the images from the TImageList, but
//                      it the images must be  in following order :
//                       image for Idle state, for MouseOver state, Pressed (Down) state
//                       and image for Disabled state. ImageList mat contain part of images
//                       but still, eg. it will try to take Disabled images from the
//                       4-th in the ImageList (If you want that your EzRgnBtn will
//                       have disabled state).
//         ==  public and published Events ==
//         property OnMouseDown  : TOnMouseEvent;
//         property OnMouseEnter : TOnMouseEvent;
//         property OnMouseLeave : TOnMouseEvent;
//         property OnMouseUp    : TOnMouseEvent;
//         ==  parent Events and Properties ==
//         property OnMouseMove;
//         property OnClick;
//         property Visible;
//         property PopUpMenu;
//         property ShowHint;
//           * All these events are very well known, so I have no to explain them
//  Author : Paul Krestol
//  Tested in Delphi 3, Delphi 4 and Delphi 5
//  Full sources are included
//  I will be happy to receive the bug list or any other suggestions from anyone
//  My contact @-mail is paul@mediasonic.co.il
//  I also 've developed list of other component for our internal projects.
//  Hope that this component may help you somehow in your developing