Unit Name: FormAutoSize

Author   : Robby Wachtel

History  : V 0.1 31.1.1999
           1st Release Version
           (Only marginal testing!!!)

           Written and tested in Delphi 3.02 Prof.

           Should work with every Delphi version 3.x and above.

           FormAutoSize is a non-visual-component written to simplify the writing
           of Delphi applications for different screen resolutions and fonts. Just
           put the component on the form and activate the settings you will need.


   In the menu bar open COMPONENTS and select INSTALL COMPONENTS.
   Then install this unit with the OK button.
   (Or use any other method you like ;-)


       set to TRUE if you want the component to be active (what else ;-)

       set to TRUE if you want the component to take care of the size of the
       form and it's components in different screen resolutions
       AllowAutoSize only works if Form.Scaled property is true

       set to TRUE if you want the component to take care of the Forms's client
       size (useful if you just want the client size to be adjusted due to
       different caption bar font sizes)
       ClientAutoSize is independent of Form.Scaled property, but I recommend
       to use it only with Form.Scaled set to FALSE

       if set to TRUE the component will check for different screen font size
       and will adjust the height and width of the parent form if AllowAutoSize
       is set to TRUE

       Width, Height, ClientHeight, PixelsPerInch (what should I say ? ;-)

       the name

       the tag


   Don't put this component on the form before you haven't finished
   designing the form - otherwise you'll have to change the component's
   DesignTimeSize properties manually (at least the ClientHeight property).


   This Component is FreeWare.

   If you have any problems or suggestions please feel free
   to contact me.

   If you improve or change the code, please be so kind to send me a copy.

   Thanks to
   Bea for all the love
   Simon Reinhardt for his DelphiFAQ (http://sr-soft.wtal.de/delphi.htm)
   Lloyd Linklater for his Delphi Notes Help File
   Sven Eisenkraemer for a lot of useful hints in programming Delphi
   everyone in news://de.comp.lang.pascal.delphi for being a great community