DJango is a DELPHI component offering comprehensive support for all DDEML
functionality. Features include:

* Single component for all DDEML operations 
* Manages multiple concurrent conversations; 
* Allows client, server or combined client/server operation 
* Individual configurations for conversations/transactions 
* Supports all transaction types 
* It supports both synchronous and asynchronous DDEML transactions 
* Includes support for multiple data formats 
* Includes high level support for the SYSTEM topic 
* It uses a fully event based design for managing data movements and responses
* Works across WIN31, WIN95 and NT.
* Special support for the Excel 'Xltable' data format.

The product works for D1, D2 and D3. This evaluation version only works whilst the DELPHI IDE is open.  The component includes comprehensive documentation in the form of a 111 page tutorial and reference document (in Word format) and equivalent on-line help.

The full product may be purchased via the web for Sterling Pounds £130. This provides full source code.

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