/\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\÷e÷ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM MhQ \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK] NUT & BOLT WHQ HYBRiD HQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET [------------- dISSABLED rATIOS fOR eVERYbODY! -------------] #2 nODES +61 8 2673144 ._______ tELNET - cOMING sOON! _______________________| /________ _________ ______ _|_______| / __ \ | /(________) \/ __/____ | \ | / \_ \ /_| | . \ \_ \--+ \ ^ / | \ | \ | | \ | \ | |\ /_____| \_| \ |____| \__. \| | \_____|_____/ |_________\|________\______| |________\ |________\ | ______ _________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ | |/ __/__/_ __ \/ \___| \/ \_\_____ \/ ___/_ | / \_ \ \_ /_ __ \ | \ . \ / \___ \ | / | \ | \ \_ \ | \ | \ / \ \ \ | _______. \| \ | \ \__| \ \ \_ \| | pAt!________\________\_________\________\ |_______\_________\\________\ -+----------------------------------------------------------------------+- tRESPASS/cLI^mST^iNT bODYcOUNT/cLI kURGAN/hNY jsPEED/qTX^uSX^pD^bLAH -#cLiQUE /X oZ hQ ^ pEARL aMIGA oZ hQ ^ iNTENSiTY sAhQ#- aMIGA^sNES^pC 0-3 fASTEST wAREZ iMPORTES fAST! aLL abOVE rELEASES fREE [------------- dISSABLED rATIOS fOR eVERYbODY! -------------] . . . [· oNE oF aUSTRALiA'S fiNEST sYSTEMS! · cALL iT nOW! ·] . · ________________ ________________ _______ _________ · : )_ _______ / \_)_ _______ / \_)_ __ \_)_ ____/ : : / ___/ / / _// / / / _// _____// ___/__ : : / / / / / / / / / _ / / / : : / / / / / / / / / / / / / : : /___/ /___ /___/ /___ /___/ /___ / : . \____/ \____/ /____/ \____/ -Ra! . ______ ________ ______________ __________________ ______ ________ )____ \_)______ \/\_)_ ______ _ \_)_ __________ _ \_)_ _ \_)_ ___/ / / _// / \_/\// __/__/ / _//___ \/ / / _// / _//___ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /___ /___/___/ /___ /___/ /___ /___/___ /___/ /___ / \___/ /___/ \___/ /___/ \___/ \___/ /___/ \___/ . . . [· ULTRA SONiX! HOME BASE ·] . : : : [· aMiGA · hPAC · tECHNO · aSCii · rEQUESTS · aMiX · aND mORE! ·] : : : : [· a1200/020/882 6mEG rAM 800Mb oNLINE! 600Mb dAT bACKUP ·] : : : : [· tO JOiN THE uSX! kREW jUST cALL hERE aND aPPLY! ·] : . . · [· NO MORE NEW USER PASSWORD AND/OR SYSTEM PASSWORD! ·] · . . [· NODE 1: [28k8] +61 755 297 457 ·] - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - _____ _____ ________ ______ _____ __/ /______/ / \_____ /_____/ ___ /_____/ ___ \_____ \_ __/ \_ __/______ / \_ ____ \_ ____ / / \/ / \/ / / / \/ / \/ / ._____ .-.___ .-./ .-.__/ .-.__/ .-. \_____/`-' \_____/`-/______/`-' /______/`-' /______/`-' ______ -Ra! _____ _____ _____ ______ __/ ____/_____/ \_____/ \_____\___/__/ /_____ \_______ \_ ____ \_ ____ \_ \_____ /_____/ / \/ / \/ / \/ / / \/ / ._____ .-.___ .-.__/ .-.____.-.__/ .-. \_____/`-' \_____/`-' /______/`-' `-' /______/`-' - [ G i V E S Y O U ] - THE INFO ON 'THE DAG CREATOR' VIRUS! - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - KNOWN EFFECTS: Deletes Libraries - Usually those associated with using a comms program As well as all LIBS: used for 'requestors'. For Example - Xprzmodem.lib Iffparse.lib Reqtools.lib - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - DISCOVERY OF THE VIRUS: When rebooting after using NComm or Term a requestor would pop up saying: "Hey, you! I can't find the iffparse.library!" When that library was re-copied over, others were found missing as well.. - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - WHERE WILL YOU FIND THIS VIRUS ? The virus was finally indentified by: Virus_Checker 7.18 after scanning my Prefs:Env-Arc/ drawer in a small text file called: "da last alert" We were unable to find out whether this was the file originally carrying the virus, but we discovered that it was a file created by the program of the same name, "Last Alert" which, after a Software Failure, brings up a window to explain what caused the Failure.. The archive was originally downloaded from the AmiNet page itself about Four months ago.. But for some unexplainable reason, the virus didn't activate itself until this week. - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - The file and the original archive were deleted before further information could be gathered on "The Dag Creator" virus.. Any further information would be much appreciated and can be posted to: SmaSh!/uSX PO Box 1530 Southport QLD 4215, Australia - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - Original Virus contracted by: eSEMI/uSX Info Typed Up and Edited by: SmaSh!/uSX - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____.____ _/\_____ _____._____ adk! _ ___ \_ | _/ _\ ___/_\__ | __/ ___ _ ((_ _/ | \_ \____ \_ . \_ __)) .-\___________/ _________/___|_____/-. .`-------ultra-\_/-sonix-presents-----'. | | | * INFO ON 'THE DAG CREATOR' VIRUS! * | : : . A new virus, that deletes your Libs: . . Found in a 'Last Alert' related file . `--------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ - [ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - . ........................................................................... : _.__ _. _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ _.__ ___ : _/ | /_/ | /_ _ /_/ _ /_/ _ /_ _/ __/_/ _ /_/ _ /__/_/ | /_ /_ : | | / |__/_| / ___/ _ / __ l___ / | / | / /__ __/___/ : | l \_ l \_| \_ _ \_ | \_ \/ | l \_ l \_ | \_ \_ _ \____ : l___ /__ /| /_| /_| / l___ /__ /_| /__/_| /__/ : l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ l__/ -sM! : ..: . ... ..... .... ... .... .......:.: : ......: :...:..: .......:.: : :........... : ..:.......:.............: : :.....: :.....:... . ....: : ..: : : :.: . : ....: :.... : . :......ULtRA-SONiX! bOARDS......: : : : ÷ fUTURE dIMENSiONS....[AUZ HQ]........+61-7-55297457....[28k] ÷ : ÷ uNDERWORLD BBS.......[QLD HQ]........+61-7-32793648....[33k] ÷ : ÷ pERPETUAL dECAY......[NSW HQ]........+61-2-509-552!....[14k] ÷ : ÷ sYNDICATE! BBS.......[SA! HQ]........+61-8-371-3553....[33k] ÷ : ÷ dIGITAL cHAOS........[DISTRO]........+61-6-58335832....[28k] ÷ : :......................................................................... . . [-AquaAdder v1.0-] [------------- dISSABLED rATIOS fOR eVERYbODY! -------------] #2 nODES +61 8 2673144 ._______ tELNET - cOMING sOON! _______________________| /________ _________ ______ _|_______| / __ \ | /(________) \/ __/____ | \ | / \_ \ /_| | . \ \_ \--+ \ ^ / | \ | \ | | \ | \ | |\ /_____| \_| \ |____| \__. \| | \_____|_____/ |_________\|________\______| |________\ |________\ | ______ _________ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ | |/ __/__/_ __ \/ \___| \/ \_\_____ \/ ___/_ | / \_ \ \_ /_ __ \ | \ . \ / \___ \ | / | \ | \ \_ \ | \ | \ / \ \ \ | _______. \| \ | \ \__| \ \ \_ \| | pAt!________\________\_________\________\ |_______\_________\\________\ -+----------------------------------------------------------------------+- tRESPASS/cLI^mST^iNT bODYcOUNT/cLI kURGAN/hNY jsPEED/qTX^uSX^pD^bLAH -#cLiQUE /X oZ hQ ^ pEARL aMIGA oZ hQ ^ iNTENSiTY sAhQ#- aMIGA^sNES^pC 0-3 fASTEST wAREZ iMPORTES fAST! aLL abOVE rELEASES fREE [------------- dISSABLED rATIOS fOR eVERYbODY! -------------] [-AquaAdder v1.0-] /\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\÷e÷ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM MhQ \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK] NUT & BOLT WHQ HYBRiD HQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]