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[-sILVEr!-],sCANDAL-World-Leader and
Ex-Faith-Leader quits the scene forever !
Here`s the whole story and the final Words
to the Scene and his Friends ! Goodbye!

Well bro`s, the time has come !
After long,long time of thinking about it,i`ve made my final
decision ! Today,after this text has reached your eyes,i have 
finally quitted the scene !
I`m sorry for all my bro`s and friends in the scene...it was a 
nice time at the beginning.. i started 11 years ago ,with a CBS
Colecovision Console,and after it was too lame for me playing 
around all the time, i bought a C-64 which was in my eyes the best
time ever . I was Swapper for THE BEASTIE BOYS,and had a lot of
kewl Mail Contacts and it was very funny and Friendship and Kewlness
was the only thing which counted.
It was a good time,and i often wish,that we might have only a little
bit of it remaining in this Times.
Then i saw the AMIGA 1000 at a friends home,and one week later,i bought
one too. 
It was funny,to do all the Shit with Kickstart Booting and to use the 
advantage of real Multitasking and the kewl warez which arrived more and 
After sum time,i switched to the A 500, and the best time ever,for Amiga
Software was at this point.
Alot of Titles arrived nearly every day... and most of them were real 
After i lost more and more of my Mail Contacts,they persuaded me and i 
bought a modem and switched to an A 2000 with Harddisk and Accelerator.
It was a very exciting time....kewl Hardware,and the experience,of calling
Boards which are far far away from here .
I think i will never forget my first Call to the USA or to other 
European Countries. It was a nice time too.... only Elite Guys were 
calling around ,and the scene was divided into the fast Modem Users and 
the "normal" Traders.
But the Scene began to change....the Modems got cheaper and the Hardware
got cheaper too... 
Due to this fact,more and more Kiddies and Wanna-Bee`s entered the scene,
and coz they knew,that they are anonymous behind their screens,they
started to take advantage of that fact,and began to live out their own 
lameness behind the screen ,by starting Wars,Faking Warez and Informations
and spread Board-Captures (I do NOT call THAT Hacking!!)
The Cops were very happy about this fact,and busted more an more of the real
Elite Doodes and Boards. 
Well,i bought an A 3000 at the end,changed back to my good old A 2000,
packed with Hardware and additional to a PC and a SNES with SWC! 
Well.... i was Leader of PKAG (which was just for fun) , i was
Leader of FAITH, together with Gandalf,and i was Founder and Leader of
sCANDAL... i met a lot of kewl guys in the scene... i made a lot of 
friends... i met a lot of REAL Elite Bro`s and also i met a lot af
assholes,which did nothing but slime at my front and pissed on my ass !
It`s a shame,how the scene is today. 
All these parasites... which want to become famous,by taking advantage of
other people`s name.... all these cowards,which are talking behind
your back,and are not able to look into your eyes.
Well.. enuff of those people... coz i think the biggest fault,the scene
made was,to pay attention to these creatures.
Maybe i sound a lil bit bitter tasted .. i know... but there 
are also sum "good guys" left nowadays,but God knows 
,how long they will stay in the scene.
I`m sure,a lot of them think quite similar with me,and are just on the 
edge,to do the same step as me. SplaTT!/FLT - After i read his Goodbye-
Text,i felt,like i wrote this text for my own,and that made my decision
become final !
I will totally quit this scene, i will sell most of my hardware,just 
a computer for my work,which i will start soon,and sum originals 
and thats it ! My phone numbers will change in 9 Days and till this
happens,my phone will be switched off!
No more spending endless days and nights in Front of
the Computer... no more spending lot`s of money for the phone-
bill. No more endless calls to the Suppliers,or crackers or traders,
just to get the group where it belongs ! 
What do you get for it ? I`ll tell ya : NOTHING!
You are standing alone on a Platform,where everyone can throw a piece 
of Shit on you. Coz they know,that you can`t see them... coz they know,
that you can`t kick their lame asses like you would do in real life !
That`s it ! You get nothin` but bad talking behind you... you get
nothin` but rumours about you.. nothing but people calling you up every
day and telling you,that your group is lame,that you haven`t released 
sumthing for X days,that the stuff,that you`ve released is not working,
that the game is totally lame and not worth releasing...
I have enuff of all this !
Why should i spent my power and my money, for getting NOTHING back?
Well,you become famous in the scene... but this is exactly ,what the 
people think,that makes you a victim for various attacks !
ENVY ! That`s the word the scene is ruled by nowadays ! 
The people are envious ,coz they never reached ,what you have reached.
Well,okay bro`s ,nuff of this shit....
At last i want to say my deepest respect,for all the other group
leaders and "people on the platform" !
I was always respecting other group leaders and NOT hating or slagging
them,coz of Group Rivalty or shit like this .
Most of them are long time in the scene,and i`m sure they feel quite
similar to guys like me or SplaTT! .
Don`t treat them like shit... don`t attack them for every reason.,..
without the Groups,without their Cracks,without the Organizers,who
work their ass off,for YOUR fuckin enjoyingment...who live with 
a high risc,to get busted every day... without the Crackers,
who spent nights and days for releasing a Game in Time,and getting back 
nothing but shit for it... without them all, the scene would be dead.
It is close to the edge now ,don`t give it the final Push,coz
it will pull YOU too in the deep !!

Okay, please delete my account on the following Boards:
Ice Station Zebra 
Pirates Haven
USS Enterprise
Point Blank
Skull Buggery
11.th Hour
Canadian Mist
Snarfs Pub
Skara Brae
Trials of God
Doom of Extasy
Solar System
Gangsters District
Los Endos
Cryptic Slaughter
Kaotic World
Virtual Reality
Acid Slam
Radio Teheran
Marley`s Coffeshop
Programmers Heaven
Deep Thought
and all the others I`ve maybe forgotten!
If you see a Handle there named : [-sILVEr!-],Silver,Silver/Faith or
anything like that,then it`s definately a Fake and I`m sure a big Leecher
too !

I want to emphasize,that i was NOT busted or any shit like this !!!

"How is sCANDAL effected by this action" you might ask yourself...
well.....not too much... i gave all my contacts and knowledge to 
Cujo! He was my Co-Leader of the Amiga Section,and he will now
continue my work. Maverick and Malefactor will take care of the 
PC-Section and Defjam will work at the Amiga Section.
Same with our Demo Section !
Have ya seen our PC-Releases in the last days ? No one could say.that
i leave a sinking ship...the Group is melting together more and more
and we are starting to become a real force!
Today,we released about 35 MB,so get real !
But when it`s at its best,then a man should leave,and
i will follow this advice and do this!

And now sum final Greetings,just as they came to my mind:

Synthetic Line alias XXX /XXX- My best friend in the scene! If i 
had to trust anyone,than it would be YOU!

Gandalf - I know life is hard for you,and the people around you,make
it more harder! Fight for your rights and NEVER give up ,friend!

Dr.Byte - Thanx for all your help. I hope I gave you a little 
bit back with my work for the BBS! But you and the BBS was 
really worth it! Now in my eyes,it has reached the same 
"Cult-Level" as Icehouse! We`ll stay in contact,mate!

Zoldan/Traveller - You`re one of the most reliable,most helpful guys 
i met in my long time in the scene ! Stay as you are ,bro!

Cujo - Yo! I know,you will do your best to continue my work,and you
will put the loose ends together,to become XXXX`s worst Nightmare ! 8)

Bloodwolf - My friend,i wish you all the best for Mortuary!
You showed the scene,that a BBS based on friendship,can be one
of the fastest in the world!! I will never forget ya !

Deathbringer - Keep up your good work,bro...Family,Friendship and Trust is
more important as Mega-Fast-Warez and thousands of Callers ! If you`ll visit 
Germany,then gimme a word,and i show you,that not only you have a beautifull
pardner ! 8)

Flux - You are the Most Valuable Player of Michigan ! I know,that i will
see you sumtimes on TV ! You went a long way together with me 
through three Groups,and you decided to do the same step to the same time
with me again,by getting your Board down !
It was a nice time with you and i will really miss you. 
If you ever be a Professional Player,please join the Supersonics ! 8)

Gaston - We saw many Boards go down,we saw many boards rising up...
It will always continue like that,but that`s the way of life !
It was a kewl time with you,with loads of chats and much fun !
Continue your good work,bro!

Maverick - I`m sorry,that the Fuckin` BBS refuses to work constantly.
But maybe it`s better this way.. no risc to get busted and stuff...
The story with CeBit was F-U-C-K ! But.. shit happens...

Jeff Staine - You know best,that sumtimes the time has come
for a change!
See ya soon for a nice date with da gals! 8) (In April 8( )

Sle - You are THE Kick-Ass RAZOR Courier ! I know that your heart
knocks for sCANDAL ! Lets prepare for a Final Fight of DOOM ! 8) 

Faceman - Yea ! You are ruling ! What should sCANDAL do without you ?
Keep on ,bro, i wish you would have holiday the whole year ! 8)

Aliex - Hehe ! I have laughed much with you,if in Chat or Voice!
Hope to see you soon in Television,to laugh again...
...this time ABOUT you ! 8))

Radiators - It would be a shame,if you were caught or sumthing!
I wish you much luck for the future! Try to be a little more reliable
in the future and don`t spread warez to groups,which you don`t like!

Maniac - Hi my friend,i hope to see again sumtimes! It was a kicking
time with ya in FAITH ! Even if i forced you to rename from EUGEN ! 8)

Blackbird - I hope you have a nice time in the USA with loads of
fun and gals ! When you`ll come back,i will call ya and ya can
tell me all your experiences ! 8)

Merlin - Well,it was a short but kewl time and Wavespeed kicked ass,
but as always,the good things are not forever. We`ll stay in contact,bro!

The Professor - Well,in my long time in the scene,you were the 
ONLY one,whom i chatted with 6 (!!) hours in a Row! You helped me 
much with my system. Thanx bro,you are far away from what the most
people talk about you !!

Instigist - Hey m8! I hope you will continue your kewl work
for sCANDAL! Just release what you want,it`ll be good ! 8)
But .. you know that Seattle will do it this season ! There`s 
NO way for ANY other team.. hehe ..GO SEATTLE GO!

Mr.B and Airbomb - I wish you much luck in LSD! I was NEVER angry about
your decision,coz i accept that everyone is in the Group,where he feels
Best ! Send sum Greetings to all the lonely British Horses,pal !

Redskin - The Mail Terrorist #1 ! Thankya for all the fun we had together!
I enjoyed all your mails,especially in Icehouse ! See ya sumtimes!

The Black Cat - Long and Nice talks to you about un-important
thinx like the sense of life and our environment! 8)
Much luck at university and also for Hoodlum!

Warhammer - Hey, do you remember,when we met on a street and nearly
began to fight,coz you liked your Atari XL and I my C-64 ?
Hehe,it must be ages away... much Hard and Software changed from me
to you and from you to me.. but with the Modem,everything changed...
Let`s have a meeting again,after long long time...

Mercury - Be a little more carefull,dude! If you will continue
like you did in the past,the you will be an easy victim for them.
Anyways.. all the best for you and your BBS !

Deathrider - Ha! Have you received all the gals i send ya,while
you were guarding the weapons? Wanna buy a TANK from me ? 8) 
Stay cool,dude!

Skylark - I`m glad that Skull Buggery is back in Bizznizz ! It was one
of my favourite Boards in the world,coz the atmosphere was very good 
there and it was fast anyways ! I hope it will be already online 
in 10 years !!!

Headhunter - Many funny chats with you guy. Condemned Cell was kewl
as Hell ! Oh,i`m a poet ! "I am Booker - No,i am Booker ! We are Booker!"

Amicom - When will you follow me ? It is not worth it anymore,believe me !
I know,it is hard,to change important things in life,but better at
the right time,as if it is too late !

Mumu - Yeaa,i hope your nose is not bleeding anymore 8) I wish you much 
luck,with your group OSIRIS! Don`t let the scene rule YOU, rule the scene!

Mogue! - One of the best Ascii-Doodes in the world ! And the trick,with 
painting a FAITH Logo on the wall,and waiting for somebodys reaction was
not bad ! 8)

El Jabba - I`m sure i will meet you again sumtimes on an Exhibition 
or a Pardy,and then we can talk again about the "Good Ole Times" 8)

El Diablo - Urm,do you really wanna open a BBS ? Be careful mate,and
if you`ll visit me the next time, i will beat you AGAIN in GOAL ! Ha !

El Gringo - Hiho ! You have an Account in Starglider ! Really !

The Godfather - Will you ever return to the scene or will you stay offline
forever ? Are you still together with your Galfriend,or have you had 10
different in the Meantime ? 8)

Artic Cat - Take care,that you hit no Elks while you are Snowboarding
like a Maniac !! 8)

Sky - You have nearly quit the scene,coz you have a new Galfriend!
Right bro, i can understand your decision !

Hoppi - Vibrators rule the scene ! Hehe,have you find a WHQ now? 8)

Mohnbroetchen - Nice Time with you on the Rapline ! "What`s your Haendl?"

Booker - Take a broom,and sweep the room ! Ha !
Stalker - Respect for bringing Classic to the Top with all the Envies
and Bad Mails you received !

SpLaTT - Thankyou,for making my decision final! You were SO right
with your Goodbye-Text,i felt like i wrote it myself ! Good luck,with
your future plans !

Harry - Thankyou for helping me so much after my HD-Crash ! Friendship
rulez ! I will stay in Contact with you,for eating KNOFI-MAYO at Porkys !

Necronom - I dunno,if you are already in the scene under another handle
or sumthing,but your Ectoplazm was the BEST BBS in Europe ! I enjoyed
long chats with you ! Lets save a prayer for VENICE ! 8)

Draft - Nice Meeting on Rainbow! Kewl "Mail-Swapping" with you too !

Paragon - Much fun with your Modem,if ya ever can afford it ! Hehe!

Fakebuster - If you want to know sumthing about the Amiga,then
ask HIM ! Hehe,thanx for all your tips and tricks and for "Braben`s 
Last Fault"! 8)

6Pack - If i need Copiers again,i will call ya !

Lecter - Well,I`m sure,that the business is much too dangerous
nawadays. You know what i mean !

Cenobytes - A 3000 suxx big time ! Hehe!

Vanguard - Hey,i hope 2 c ya on sum Pardy or stuff! Nice talking to you!
Kewl,that you have joined Forces yesterday ! 8)

Tronic - Gotcha! rulez ! Maybe we can do a Session together in the future!

Malefactor - Much fun in USA,man ! Maybe you will meet Blackbird !

Humanoid - Don`t forget to add 1000 condoms to your Luggage,b-4
visiting the States ! Haha!

Venice - The most beautifull and coolest gal ever in the scene !
Forgive me for all,but i had my reasons !
Drizzt - Hey,don`t look always at the negative aspects! Think positive!
And don`t forget the DOOM-Play-Pardy !

Dr.Dre - Dre-Tools forever! Hope you feel good in TRSI ! It was a nice 
time together with you in FAITH at the beginning ! We had much fun foolin`
people on the Rapline! Keep on smoking ! 8) 

Metoner - YO! Nice chats and Talking to you ! I wish you much fun in
Portugal,and if i will ever se an UFO,then i will report it to YOU!

Dr.Dream/Mr.Shake - You nearly left the scene ! I dunno what 
exactly happened to you,but `im sure,you chose the right way !
Peanuts without Oil,Bread without water,Scene without us... who carez 8)

Nero - Now i`m gone,without having ever called your BBS! Sorry,but
i always forgot it,and when i thought about it ,then it was busy,
and when i thought about it and it was not busy,then i had no 
possibility to call and so on.. hehe... but you made your way 
to the group ! That is,what counts!
Beermacht - Three years ago or sumthing, when the modemscene
was at its best,you had the coolest and funniest BBS-Ads i have ever
seen ! The pictures in the DMS-File really kicked ass !
"If you like the taste of Gore,join the BeerKrug BBS"

Dalai Lama - Hey ! Don`t forget to send my best regards to Elvis !
I told my galfriend,that i`ve talked to him,and since that time, 
she thinks,that sumthing is not normal in my head ! Hehe,but YOU know !

Axe - Keep up your work with Mystic and don`t let them steal your nerves !

Fireball - Thanx for the Ascii ! I edited it a little bit !
(sILVERDOMe rulez! 8) )

Cole - Hi! I like sCANDAL-Logo`s with one or more letters missing ! 8))

Cody - Now that i finally found out my PW,i`m gone. Too bad !
But Cujo will continue calling you. CD-32 Suxx ! PC Rulez ! 8))

Mr.Vain - You made your way to the top! Congratulations !

Melvin - Bimsen ! The Best Mail-Swapper on Earth! Hehe..Suck-Pack rulez! 8)

Defjam/Wildstyle - Nice Voice-Chats to you!
I hope,that the "Berlin-Connection" will find back their motivation !
Greetungs to your Boss,the PhoneBill-Sponsor..8)

Transformer - I wish you much luck in the Group! I hope you make
it to a Trader till next month !

Syndicate! - Hi! The next journey i will make,i will visit you
again ! Switzerland rulez! Much Cows and stuff...hehe!

Rapid - Yo! I hope your leg is okay now ! And thanx for all the kewl
Asciis you made for me ! 

Deltaforce - Fortress rulez ! Don`t take your BBS too serious !
There are much more important thinx !

Perry - Sumwhere in this Solar System...sorry for the Shit with the
Memberlist,but u know,that it was not my fault !

Al Bundy - Nice Trip to the Rainbow-Pardy! 

Calypso - Now i can`t take away any more Boards from you! 8)
Take it easy,it was never a personal thing.. they just asked me !

N.O.M.A.D. and Phil Douglas - The best Crackers in my opinion
for my whole Amiga Time ! RESPECT!

To all the Ex-Users of Icehouse and the Users of Starglider,
where i was CO-Sysop,and enjoyed it very much !

To all the Ex-FAITH-Members and to all sCANDAL!-Members !

And to all,i have maybe forgotten,sorry,but you don`t have to mention 
me in your next Textfile either..

No fuckings or Shit.. the people who deserve it,know it !

If ya don`t believe,this text is real,then ask my best friends!
Well... that`s it bro`s... 

"Ich bin ein Bit,ein armseliges bloss,
es ist mir nur gegeben 
als Stromstoss oder als Nichtstromstoss
drei Mikrosekunden zu leben.
Ich bin in eine Rechnung gespannt
und muss in dieser sterben;
ich weiss nicht,dient sie dem Vaterland
oder bringt sie Verderben ?

Helf ich der Menschheit in ihrer Not
durch gutes Planen und Schaffen,
oder bring ich den Megatod
durch neu errechnete Waffen ?

Ich bin nur ein Bit,ich bin nicht mehr,
ein Bit bis zum bittern Versenken. -
Ich war ein Bit! Ich bitte euch sehr,
Ihr moeget meiner gedenken !"

Goodbye Scene, I`m Gone forever!

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