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                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · c64 · sPecCY · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII

                  ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

           dARkaGe eHQ (Amiga)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

     rEAsOn wHQ (Amiga)  ·  sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
               Node 1 :                              Node 2 & 3 :
           USR V.90 I-Modem                           Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311        rAMSeS        +49-(0)30-44730312
             Node 4,5,6 :            pASo
              24h Telnet                          -- nO RaTiOs !!! --

            what the fuck can you say after a day like today...
                  (radiohead live in berlin, 11th september 2001)

  these are some thoughts by marc oberst aka zito/dkg^lot^rsn thought on...


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                                      "the day the earth stood still"


            with respect for the events in ny we canceled our programm
                         800 pentagon employees may have died
                        within the towers, including the helpers
                           thousands died, maybe ten thousand and more
                                        the markets went down
                            i saw bodies falling off the tower
                                 four hijacked airliners
  aufgrund der ereignisse haben wir alle shows aus dem programm genommen
                                     this is not imaginable
                  no chance for those who benefit from these actions
                                              ...to hunt down and find.
                         wall street to reopen tomorrow
                                         nouvelle guerre?
                                              6 survivors
                                         these tragic actions
                                     bin laden staying behind?
                                     jim, brother of the pilot
                                            can`t say anything
                                     leaves wife and three daughters
                                 hijackers said to be armed with knifes
                        all air traffic halted for the first time
                          300 firefighters are missing
                               no `specific warnings` in advance
                            sharpshooters atop white house
                                       were the twin towers once stood
                                 that he does not declare world war three
                              flights to resume at noon wednesdays
                                         you see the gap
                          fünf verdächtige araber verhaftet
                    ...critized security at us airport
                        la monde a peur
              266 passengers and 8 crew members killed
                            this is the day one after
                               the only thing we can do is pray
                                 papst warn vor eskalation
                             america under attack
            i was, i was just scared staying here...


               i have to come back.
  five days of nonstop watching tv.
               i forgot were i was.
                  if forgot to eat.
                                  i went to the city to see living people.
                                  i had forgot about them.
                                  forgot about me.          |
                                  i am hungry...            |

                  some said cool. most said tragic.
                    i simply couldn`t say anything.
      |   it happened when i was sleeping.
     ||     a phonecall,
     |       a message,
     ||       a gap in mind.


                          slowly my brain got active again after a while
                        and directly thousand thoughts crash in my mind. i
                         thought and watched and cried. then i was taken
                                               to the radiohead concert.
                                       it was a rainy evening and nobody
                                                     could see my tears.


                  i am sorry for those of you who are not interested in this
                  but i had to release this little text to clean up my head.



                                              inside of me
                                         behind the sorrow
                                         i do not hate you
                                         i do not love you
                                             i forgive you

                                (this is for the murderers)

       remember when you were a child
 - your freedom, your parential love,
  your home and your safe childhood -
                         and then act

          (this is for george w. bush)


                  clouds darken my empty mind
                   wind cools my sleeping eye
                      the rain hides my tears
                 there is nothing i could say
                        nothing i could write

                  (this is for those who died)


                           hate is nothing
                           wrath is nothing
                           revenge is nothing
                           as everything causes something
                           so forgive, learn, love

                          (this is for the living)



 i had so many thoughts.
 i created songs
 and poems in my mind
 for the hijackers, for the victims, for the helpers, for the survivors,
 for believers, for the families, for the pilots, for religous fanatics,
 for my wife, for the world and for my children.
                  but all went down the endless streaming river of live,
                                 away from me to those i wrote them for.
                                      so there is nothing left to say...

                                      marc oberst aka zito 23/o9/2oo1


                     this file is dedicated to mankind


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 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · c64 · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII  ( aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\          Node 1 :             Node 2 & 3 :         Node 4,5,6 :      |
 |\\     USR V.90 I-Modem          Euro  ISDN           24h Telnet       |
 | \\   +49-(0)30-44730311     +49-(0)30-44730312     remedy.yi.org      |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]