... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > t H E y A R D BBS! < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ Ē--- - - /\ _ _ /\ - - ---Ē | _/ Y Ž\ V / ŽY \_ | : \ .žžž | _\ /_ | žžž. / | . \_ .žžž' _| (^)V(^) |_ `žžž. _/ ! __// .žžž' ( Ž\___A___/ŊŽ) `žžž. \\__ : . . žžž' - \__ __/ - `žžž . . ,ž' žžž. /- | Ą : Ą | -\ .žžž `ž. .žž `žžž. | | | | | .žžž' `žž. . žž' ____ / | | | | : \ ____ `žž . .ž: / Ž/ ! ! | : . \ Ž\ :ž. .---- / : : | \ ----. / __ _ ! _ \ \ . mR! / /\ _ /\/ Ž\ .žž : .žžžž―_ _____ \ m'S ___/\/ \_/_____/.žž― ..žžžž/ŊŊ \\ Ž\/\___ .---------\\\_________Ŋ Ž\_.žžžž.žžžžžT \ __///---------. _ | `ž/ // /žžžžžžžžžž.`\_________ \ž' | _ | ./ / .žžžžžžž`žžžžžž―. \\ \. | . `------------l______/ `žžžžžž― `žžžžž―:. \________j------------' : / / / \ : / /__/\__/ \ . . /\ _______ /\ _____ .ž― žžž________ /\ _____ /\ \ . ___/\/ \_ __Ž/\/ \__ .žžž' `žž\_______/_ \/\_/_ Ž/ \/\___ .---\\\__ /___\_Ŋ / žžžž' `žžžž―_\_____ __/ T\ __///---. | `ž/ / Ŋ/Ŋ / žžžžž: .žž\Ŋ Ŋ \ \___ _ \ž' | | / / ./ ŊŊ `žžžžž―.žž.žžžžž\ ŊŊ / \ \ | | / / /____________/žžžžžžžžžžžž' \____________\_____\ \ | ! ./ / Ŋ \ \. | : l_____/ cRUX eUROPEAN hQ · iNSANE sCHQ · hELLFIRE eUROPEAN hQ! \______j ! . cORRUPT eUROPEAN hQ · uNIQUE wORLD hQ · bAD kARMA eUROPEAN hQ! : . . : eNZO - fURY [pRESTĄGE] - cAMILLA [pSX nATION] : mANDRAKE [hELLFiRE] - cOLONEL [qUARTEX] - tCB [qUARTEX] . | Ą +-*[ s U P P O R t Ą N G a M i G A & p C & c O N S O L E a C t Ą O N ]*-+ | _ | | nOdE#o1: +45-74-ELiTE (rĄNGdOWN!) | aMĄGA 4ooo cYBERStORM o6o / 5omHz | | nOdE#o2: +45-74-ELiTE (jUSt^CALL) | 3GiGZ hARdiSK sPACE - dAT - CdROM | | nOdE#o3: +45-74-ELiTE (jUSt^CALL) | f/\StLANE sCSi cONtROLLER kiCKiNG | | nOdE#o4: +45-74-ELiTE (jUSt^CALL) | aSS hARdWARE rUNNiNG /X | | Ŋ | +-ũ[ wE'VE kICKED oFF 2 iSDN nODES fOR yOU mANIACS aSWELL! +45-gOfINDiT! ]ũ-+ | | +.-------ũ+*[ sYStEM pASSWORd ĄS: yES! - nEW^uSERpASSWORd: nONE ]*+ũ-------.+ | \ / | +--'------------[ tiME Of uPLOAd wAS: 16:29:56 - 26-Mar-96 ]-------------'--+ . .___________ _|_ ______________________________. | | | : bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE | . _______ __ _|_ ____ ______ ________ : _____ _|_\_ / . | . \_ __ ______\_. \ ______ _\_. /__| ___ / __/__ | / / | : | / \| / l \/ . \ l___/\_ |/ /___ / : \ \______|______/ \ /_________/ | \________/ / _/_______/_ _l______/sc : _/ \____/ \__________/ _/ \___) | | . \_____| \______| | | : | |hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., sUNFLEX iNC. & iLS aMIGA eHQ!| | tRiSTAR & rEDSECTOR iNC. cONSOLE aND gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ! | | tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE | | cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ! · dREAMCHARTS, dEViOUS dEZiGNS & dATA dIVISION dHQ! | | -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ! | | | | mASTERS aRE: | | -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·- | | | | rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB! | | 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | +31-(o)-548-54O-653 +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET | | -·>16k8 dUAL<·- -·>28k8 dUALS!<·- 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 | | | l_________._ _ _ _._________| ________ | -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·- | ________ |________|| ||________| : uPLOADEd bY C J A oN nODE #03 : . tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 04:17:37 , 03-26-1996 . å ____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ +44-(0)NOT-YOU!! --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 2000+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST! [0m[7C[34m....[7C....... ....[7C....... ....[10C....... 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Not For Illegal Purposes... [0m _____ ______ _______ _____ _____. . ..... . . _\___ \ / / /__ ___/_\___ \ _\___ \_::::: .. . / / \_ \ \_ \ / _/ \_ _/ _/_::: . ..- - -------. / _/ / _/ _/ \_ \____/ \ /::::::.. . .. | \________/______/_______/_______\____\__/::::.. . | örC7! | . Ukhq fOR eLTECH ũ rNO | : | : diS7 si7E fOR ũ aQUARiUS ũ nERVE aXiS | Ķ | | sYSOP ũ NaRcOsIs/eL7^rNo^aQS^dD | | | | s7AFF ũ miC fLAiR/eL7ECH^aQUARiUS ° mANiX/dA7A diViSiON | | rAVER/CcC ° kREW-L-7 ° rEVEL | | | | +44 (s)CAN foRiT!! | | Ķ | aMIEXPRESS 4.xX ° eNUFF sPACE ° mANY cONFS : | ____ ____ ________ ____ _______ _______ | . . . .::::/ / /___/_\______ \ ___/__ ___// ____/ | . . .. . . .:::::/ _/____ \_ / / \_ \_ \ _____ \_ `------ - . -.. .:::/ \_ / / / / / / \_ _/ / . . .:::::\_______/____/__\___\___/___/_______/______/. örC7! uPLOADED bY: RAVER tiME & dATE: 16:14:06 23-Mar-96 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZKREW-L-T BUST THURSDAY 11:50pm HIS sTORY WARNING TO ALL PBX USERS @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Well Adrian Gorham said that I would do this.. and I said that I wouldn't, but people have found out anyway (thanks mum), so I might as well let you all know what happened. On 21st of March 1996, at about 23:50 I heard a car pull up outside my house, then a LOUD knock at the door. I hung up my modem (but forget to clear my screen or unplug my computer). Anyway, I went to the door, and there was Adrian Gorham of BT Security, a local police officer, a CID officer, some guy to take lots of photographs of my equipment, and some guy called Nick. They had a warrant to search the premises for computers, modems, & related equipment. What could I do, I had to let them in. I think it's worth mentioning that they asked for me by my full name (listening into my phone- calls maybe?). They went straight to my bedroom and had a general look around, then they started taking photos of all the equipment, even things such as the mains socket where it was all plugged in, and where the extension cable leading downstairs plugged in to the main socket. They searched through my bedroom and eventually took my laptop, Motorola Codex modem, my telephone, extension cables, RS232C cable, all the mains cables, 3 issues of 2600 "The Hacker Quarterly" (Adrian grinned when he found these). Anyway, then I was taken down to the station for questioning, which I don't want to really discuss, but let me just say that their questioning is FUCKING good. After about 1 hour 45 minutes of recorded interview it was drawn to a close and I was given a date to return to the station, to find out what was gonna happen to me. During the interview I was shown printouts of data taken by that famous piece of equipment known as the Monolog. Below is an example of Monolog data printouts. 21 March 1996. Telephone number being monitored here somewhere I think. 23:10:34 23:10:37 23:44:67 xxxx.xx O 0800XxXxXx (digits dialed after connection here). The time in the first column is the time you dialed the number, the second column is the time the number answered, third column is the time the call ended, 4th column is the duration of the call in seconds, 5th column is the type of call (I for incoming, O for outgoing, and IA for Incoming & answered), the final column is the number you dialed, and also the digits dialed after connection. The moral of it all is, don't phreak from your home line, if you must, then leave PBX's alone, also calling cards, credit cards etc. are very dodgy I would assume. I questioned Adrian on blueboxing, and he said that there has been, and will be busts. I will be meeting Adrian Gorham again in June, and he better bring the British Telecom pen that I kept hassling him for ;-) Just so you know, a few of the things captured by the Monolog are still availible as far as I am aware (I haven't actually tried them, but have been told they still work). These included a global Meridian, a global "Message Desk" (Adrian said they were SDX systems), and an 0800 number to GNS dialplus. I would recommend that you stop using anything of this kind. Well that's it.. I'm outta the scene for good, I'm not taking any risks. If you have my voice number feel free to call me, though be aware that BT could be listening in. Bye Bye! Krew-L-T (I told you that you got my handle wrong Adrian!!!) I'm not doing any greets, there is a very good reason why, I hope you can figure out that reason... ___________ _____ _____ ____ __________ _____/__ \____/\___/_\ \ | /(____\\ /\___/_\ /____ /\ .______________.\________._________.____. _ ._________. ./ \| __ |_\ |. __ |. |__ .___//__. .:::. |. _ | | | \\\_ | _ | \\\_ | __///| // |:::·:::| | | | | | | /__| | | |____| ::· ·:: | | |: | | |: / |: | |: | |: :: ::: | | |:: | | |:: |:: | |:: |:: ::. .:::: | | |:::. | |:::. |:::.| |:::. |:::. |:::.:::|:::.| | `--------------| |---------`----| |---------`-------'··:::··`----| | -.--- -----tGø`----'--------------`----'-T!---------------------------`----' . ļ,,ļ : . _/_;_\_ Cchh! This is AgEnT-X , your captain speaking! . : (/ °o° \) We will be at exactly 02:32:20 on the 23-Mar-96 be : | \( _ )/ landing for your arranged Permanent Vacation! | | \ Ž / | | /ū\_/ū\ xCz [ +44 (o)1257 416994 ] | | /ūūūvūūū\ | `----------------------------------------> Call Permanent Vacation! <--' +================================================================+ | | | AMIGA 4000/68060/50 MHZ 20 MB, 2 GIGS, 33600 USR EVERYTHINGS | | | | .. AMIGA .. HPA .. CONSOLE .. CELLULAR .. SATELLITE .. | | | | .. S!EXPRESS REGISTERED COOL AS FUCK SYSTEM & SYSOP .. | | | | -: MULTIMODE SYSTEM . HYDRA . S-MODEM . 115200 SERIAL'S :- | | | | CALL 01472 - ASK FOR IT | | CALL 01472 - SCAN ME OK | | | | CREW GAZ P ** ZANDOR-SR ** DATA-STREAM ** D-CODE | | | +================================================================+ NUP NEEDED FOR ACCESS _____ ______ _______ _____ _____. . ..... . . _\___ \ / / /__ ___/_\___ \ _\___ \_::::: .. . / / \_ \ \_ \ / _/ \_ _/ _/_::: . ..- - -------. / _/ / _/ _/ \_ \____/ \ /::::::.. . .. | \________/______/_______/_______\____\__/::::.. . | öki7! | . Ukhq fOR eLTECH ũ rNO | : | : diS7 si7E fOR ũ aQUARiUS ũ nERVE aXiS | Ķ | | sYSOP ũ NaRcOsIs/eL7^rNo^aQS^dD | | | | s7AFF ũ miC fLAiR/eL7ECH^aQUARiUS ° mANiX/dA7A diViSiON | | rAVER/CcC ° kREW-L-7 ° rEVEL | | | | +44 (s)CAN foRiT!! | | Ķ | aMIEXPRESS 4.xX ° eNUFF sPACE ° mANY cONFS : | ____ ____ ________ ____ _______ _______ | . . . .::::/ / /___/_\______ \ ___/__ ___// ____/ | . . .. . . .:::::/ _/____ \_ / / \_ \_ \ _____ \_ `------ - . -.. .:::/ \_ / / / / / / \_ _/ / . . .:::::\_______/____/__\___\___/___/_______/______/. örC7! uPLOADED bY: RAVER tiME & dATE: 16:14:06 23-Mar-96 [0m[7C[34m....[7C....... ....[7C....... ....[10C....... [7C::::[6C:::: :::: ::::[6C:::: :::: ::::[9C::::::::: [7C::::[6C:::: :::: ::::[6C:::: :::: ::::[9C:::: :::: [7C::::.. :::: :::: ::::.. ::::.:::: ::::[9C:::: :::: [7C:::: .... :::: :::: :::: .... :::: :::: ::::[9C:::: :::: [7C:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::[14C:::: [7C:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .... ::::::::: [7C:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: [7C:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: [7C:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: [7C::::.:::' `:::.:::' ::::.:::' :::: :::: ::::.:::' ::::::::: .::::::. .::::::. .::::::. .::::::. :::: ::: .::::::. :::: .::::::. .::::::. :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::[6C:::: ::: :::: ::: ::::[5C:::: ::: :::: ::: ::::[5C:::: ::: ::::[5C:::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::::: :::: ::: `::::::. :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::::: :::: :::[6C::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::[5C:::: :::[6C::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::[5C:::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::[5C:::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: `::::::' `::::::' :::: ::: ::::[5C`::::::' `::::::' :::: `::::::' :::: ::: [32C[31m, [14C[[1;33m28k8[0;31m] TOTAL CONFU)ION II [37m^ [31mO12O3 66596O [[1;33m28k8[0;31m] [37mThis Text File Is For Information Purpose ONLY! Not For Illegal Purposes... [0m [-AquaAdder v1.0-] ____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ +44-(0)NOT-YOU!! --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 2000+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST! ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ________________________________________________________________________ __/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/ \_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____ \_ / / ŊŊ/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ŊŊ/ _/ / /___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \ sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \ / \ /________\ / \ /________\ / / \ / \ / [·hELLFIRE&lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR aND rED^sECTOR ĄNC.·sUNFLEX iNC.&iLS aMIGA eHQ!·] [·tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ĄNC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ!·] [·dREAMCHARTS·dEVIOUS dEZIGNS·&·dATA dIVISION dHQ!·] [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·] [·sYSOPS:s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS·] rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --ŧ> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <Ŧ-- ---ŧ> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <Ŧ--- +31-(O)-548-54O-653 +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 28k8 dUALS ]- -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]- [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: C J A ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 03 ]]-] [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 04:17:37, 03-26-1996 ]]-] .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---. 26-Mar-96, 16:29:56 this textfile passed Sky Tower #1 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -· . _ _ . . ( Y ) Without a guy called something like RawfoX . : \|/ this file would never have made it and you wouldn't : | (š) be watching it right now.... | | Ŋ | `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--' _________________________________________ · ( / t H E y A R D : ::| .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_ | /____ / | __|__/\____ / // · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 5 · | \\_|_ __/_. __/\____ _____·__ // ____ _______ |\___ |/ \ |____(_ ____/____ \ /__/_____\_ \__\_ / ________| / / / | _/ _) )____\ / ( _ / _ _/_( _ / / _/ _ \ | ( \_ _| | / | \ | // (_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\ [==|=========|______\=\_______|_________/_/================|________\dVN==|===] | / | | aMIGA/aSCII/cLASSIC aMIGA gAMES // nINTENDO64/gAMEcUBE/wII cONSOLES | | sONY pLAYsTATION cONSOLES ·// sEGA dREAMcAST & sATURN cONSOLES | | gAMEbOY/sGB/gAMEgEAR/wONDERsWAN / nEOgEOpOCKET/gBC/gBA/nINTENDO DS | | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES /. =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT | | aPPLE mACINTOSH - tYPO/fONTS // 0dAY gRAPHICS/aUDIO aPPS & gAMES | | gRAFFITI/dESIGN eBOOK/xVID / cLASSIC pC gAMES - gSM/pDA/pHONE | | aUDIO pRODUCTIONS sAMPLES / dAYdREAm/lINUX dEVELOPMENT/dOORS | | . | '-Ŧ< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615+ >ŧ-' -> Another Quality Release uploaded at TY <-