
Vic's third article. Includes

info about Capcom, SF Movie,

GEN-CON info, VR Show in NYC,

a bit of Blackthorne info and

various other tidbits! Make

Vic feel good and check it out!

Article written August 6 1994

Author: Viceroy/Sober

Released on Concept Elite!

About 180 lines of info-text!



Hi! Thanks for downloading this, and most of all thanks for reading it!

This is the third of what I hope to be a long series of articles written

by me about the news, insights and future trends of the video game

industry and the console scene. I'd like to thank Loverman, Wise Guy,

Elite Lover and TWK for their support & inspiration! Oh, and of course

-Pan- for his awesome trainers! And what would the scene be without dudes

like Daviolator (leader of the new hot group NWO which is gearing up to do

some major console releasing!). Lastly, I'd like to thank all my friends on

CE for their help, support and encouragement over the past few months! You

guys are the BEST, and it goes without saying that CE RULES!


Oh and hey, feel free to include this crap in any upcomming text mags or

scene 'zines or whatever! No, fuck that, I want written permission! hehehe

....and now for the good stuff...

Ok well basically this article is going to be a collection of news tidbits

that Ive come across in the past week. Some come from mags like EGM, others

come from talking with dudes in the scene. I try to verify everything from

at least two sources, because as ya know, 90 percent of whats in EGM turns

out to be bull.

-- A bit of Capcom news --

As everyone has seen of the past few months, Capcom has been diversifying

the platforms that they support. No longer are the days of Capcom's titles

being specific to the Nintendo family of machines. And as part of this

(in my opinion good) trend, Capcom has decided to develop a version of

their mega-hit MEGA-MAN for the Sega Genesis. This is confirmed info, there

will soon be a cool version of Mega Man comming out for all the Genesis



The upcomming release, entitled "MEGA-MAN: The Wiley Wars" will be a

compilation title that contains all three original 8-bit Mega Man games!

Don't worry, Capcom has devoted an entire team of graphics artists to give

these classic oldies a hot new 16-bit look and play. This was big news for

Capcom during the CES, but of course it was overshadowed by SSF2.

Capcom's other upcomming titles will include "BONKERS" for Super Nintendo,

which features Bonkers D. Bobcat in a crime fighting side scroller. The

Game Boy will also see a new Mega Man release, called "Mega Man V", which

is nothing more than a scaled down version of the 8bit MM5.

-- Street Fighter Movie Info --

Here is an exclusive list of cast members for this long awaited silver

screen adaptation. Well we all know that Jean-Claude Van Damme is cast

as Guile, but here are all the others:

Raul Julia (Adams Family) will be playing M. Bison

Ming Na Wen as Chun Li (a part originally scheduled for Joan Chen)

Wes Studi (Last of the Mohicans) as Sagat

Byron Mann as Ryu

Grant Bush as Balrog

Peter Tuiasosopo as E. Honda

Richard Jay as Vega

Miguel Nunex as Dee Jay.

The roles of Blanka, Cammy, Dhalsim, Fei Long, T. Hawk, Zangief as well

as the key role of Ken are still being cast.

Also there is a rumor floating around that a new character named Captain

Sawada (to be played by Kenya Sawada) who is Guile's second in command

of the United Nations Forces. Capcom is also considering adding Captain

Sawada to the Super-Street-Fighter-II Turbo version which is being worked

on to be released at the same time as the movie. (And no, SFIII will not

be ready, or at least not in time for the movie.)

The shooting has ALREADY began and the movie is scheduled for a late

November-early December release, which does not leave much time for post

production and special effects work...

-- GEN CON info -=

Have you heard about the 1994 GEN CON Game Fair? Well it's gonna be cool!

Its scheduled to be a four day multimedia event geared towards AD&D, RPG and

strategy game players. Last year's show was attended by more than 20,000

people and this year's attendance is expected to be even higher!

This year's GEN CON show will be held in Milwaukee on August 18 thru 21.

Special events of GEN CON include 1,000 computer, video arcade, adventure,

military, strategy, board, miniatures, role playing and virtual reality

games!!! In addition to that, a $10,000 dollar prize giveaway is scheduled!

This year's show will also feature Star Trek TNNG actors and other cool

celebrities, such as Lord British and Trip Hawkins. The tel# to get info

is 414-248-3625 ext 424.

Oh and if thats not enough for ya, check out the Global Virtual Reality Show.

This is the first permanent Virtual Reality exhibit in the States!

The exhibit is located in MANHATTAN (NYC) and includes products and displays

from more than 50 leading manufacturers of VR gear. Also available are

plenty of hands on displays and demo booths. Weekly workshops will be held

as well! Global VR is sponsored by AIG-Advanced Applications, publishers of

the Virtual Reality Systems magazine. A location for the show is yet to

be announced, but organizers hope to open doors some time in October 1994.

I will post more info when it is available, since I know that I'll be one

of the first people to check it out (since Im local to NYC.)

-- Blackthorne stuff --

Well ya all have seen the awesome new game Blackthorne, since it made the

BBS rounds this week! Parts of the game's graphics and the entire retail box

was designed by the famous comic book artist Jim Lee, president and founder

of WildStorm publications. Lee's work has included WildCATS, Stormwatch

and Deathblow. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Jim Lee was responsible

for X-Men #1, the best selling comic book ever! So if ya have not seen the

game yet, grab it! It's really one of the best I've ever seen. Players of

Prince of Persia and Flashback will quickly adjust to the character

movement. Warning: This game is HARD! A trainer helps!

-- Project Reality Stuff --

Well, NO, its not dead! Everyone was really disappointed when Silicon Graphics

dropped co-developement of Project Reality with Nintendo corp. However

there is a bit of news to report. Scottish developement company called

DMA-Design, the designer of the LEMMINGS series of games has been signed

by Nintendo to develop new titles for Project Reality. There are few details

yet, but the new games will be exclusive to Nintendo formats. Whats really

ironic is that the Lemmings games were released by Psygnosis, a SONY owned

company, and now the future sequels to these games may leave Sony's PS/X

out in the cold!


Sega has joined forces with Metro Goldwin Mayer, the giant movie studio

to produce a series of interactive video games, TV shows and movies.

First up is Batman Forever for the 32X and Saturn.

Altough the companies will release original products, many titles will

probably be based on 1995-1996 MGM and United Artists movie releases.

This is a non-exclusive contract, which of course means that both companies

are free to work with other organizations and projects.

The other side of the coin is Acclaim, which recently signed a contract

with Warner Brothers, another movie house, to develop and publish the

coin-operated and cartridge formats of Batman Forever (the third in the

Batman series of money-makers!)

The arcade version of Batman Forever which is being developed by Acclaim

will be the first Acclaim coin-op release which will utilize Sega's TITAN

coin-op technology. Besides the coin-op version using TITAN, Acclaim will

release home cartridge versions for SNES, Sega Genesis and

Sega-CD. As stated above, Sega itself is releasing the 32x and Saturn

versions through it's new collaboration with MGM.

-- A little PS/X info --

Sony Corp of America has established a new division called

"Sony Computer Entertainment of America" (abbreviated as SONY-CEA).

SONY-CEA will market hardware and software for the PS/X. SONY-CEA will

also handle third party video game software licensing in the United States.

As we all know, the Sony 32bit PS/X, probably the most impressive 32bit

machine is scheduled for a November release in Japan and an early

1995 release in the States and Europe.


Well enough for today.. I hope ya enjoyed this! Greets to all!

 -ViC/SoBeR- [8/5/94]   "BIG BUSTS are not just for FEDS!"


Q:   What did the blonde's right leg say to the left leg?
A:   Nothing.  They've never met.

Q:   What do a blonde and your computer have in common?              
A:   You don't know how much either of them mean to you until they go
     down on you.                                                    

Q:   Why do blondes wear red lipstick?    
A:   Because red means "Stop, wrong hole."                 

Q:   Why do blondes drive BMWs?
A:   Because they can spell it.

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