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 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on 768/128k ADSL  /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mOD/mP3/hANDhELD aRCHIVE ____    |
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  tHE hOTTEST sCENE sPOT! _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
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 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9602 |_

 t!  __________/_
  _ _\__      / _____    -= RESiSTANCE =-
  //  |/     /_/   _/_  _______
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\_____\______     |   /   __/            \\|
.         _/___________    |  03/04/2002  \.
          /           \____________________|
:                                          |

Good day Amiga boys today i got a litle Request of my own to put out! its nearing the release of a new Amiga
and with that a major update of our beloved OS. Maybe a bright? at least brigther then it was future for us all
seems to be in the palm of our hands very soon! but something can breake this harmony very fast! Hyperion and
the included companyes and persons depends on sales to survive and to be able to upgrade the OS and hardware
even more! then you may ask what can YOU do to help this? you can help in NOT pirating the AmigaOS4 i know
several groups are already planing to release it and this is BAD REALY BAD! RSE for one is NOT going to do
this just as we didnt pirate the OS3.5/9 and tried to stop others but failed those times! but this time
stakes are even higher! so im begging you all think about whats more important for you saving a few bucks
and maybe see the Amiga we want down in ashes one last time! or acctualy BUYING the bloody thing and help
in making us a GREAT future! im sure some wont! but PLEASE dont mind them! do what YOU can to stop the pirating
of AmigaOS4 i know i will! and so will the rest of Team Resistance! now lets cross our fingers for a bloody
good comeback of the Amiga.

4pLaY / Resistance

                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||      aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL       !| _
  |!     bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH       | ;
  |      dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  &  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL   |
  ¡     oLDSKOOL/rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100%     |
_ |                                            | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
  |   gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'