._  _   _   ___  _                       _ __ _  _                       _  _.
:   ________   ____ ____   ________________\/________________________________.
.  _) _____/___) __/   /_ _)   /    _ _    \/                                |
|_ |_______   |  \__     \_   / ____|               nODE#1: +45-74-pRIVATE!  |
._____________|_____\_____|_____\                   nODE#2: +45-74-rINGDOWN  |
|                                                   nODE#3: +45-74-rINGDOWN  :
'  ......   eNZO - mANDRAKE^hELLFIRE - tCB^qUARTEX  nODE#4: +45-74-rINGDOWN  .
.:::::_::::    fURY^pRESTIGE - cOLONEL^hOODLUM      nODE#5: +45-74-64KiSDN!  .
:::__/ \ :::  sNAKE&dELBOY^pRESTIGE - cAMILLA^pSX   nODE#6: +45-74-64KiSDN!
:'   \_//\ :                                                                 .
:       \//  --* cRUX eHQ - hELLFIRE eHQ - cORRUPT eHQ - iNSANE sCHQ *--     :
   /\ \_)/                                                                   :
   \ \_ /   * aMIGA 4ooo - cYBERSTORM o6o/5oMzh - 2 gIGS hD - dAT/cDROM *    |
.   \_/ \      * lOADS oF rAM! - fASTLANE sCSI - rUNNING cOOLEST /X *        |
:\______/                ________ ________ ______     _______  _________     |
|________________________)     _/__  __  (_)    /_____)_ ___/__)_  __  /_    |
._   _  _          _ ____     ____/   /   |    /\|     / _______/  _/    \___|
:                       |_____/  \________|____/\     /______/|____\_____ _ _.
| __  __                                         \___/                       |
| _|_ _|_  __    ___  ,_  ,  _ __  ___   .___   _    ,_     ___ ___       ||||
| \__,\  )(_/_,  \__)(__)(/\_)(_/_,\  '  |\__'  \__)(__)(__)\  '\__'      oO\:
|                _|                        --'    (              --'      \O/.
|_   _  _         __*hARDCORE aMIGA & cONSOLE & pC aCTION*__        _  _  _ck!

     ______________________________________________ /\ _________________
    |                                              /  \                 |
    |      U N D i S C O V E R E D                /    \  iNVASiON^DHQ! |
    |     _________                              /      \  cRAZY aCiD   |
  ________\       \     __________  ___________ _\______/_  ____________|
  /        \       \____\         \_\_____     \         /__\    ______/_
 /__________________\    \_________\     /     /________/    \______     \
    |         /___________\     /_____________/        /__________________\
    |______________ ____________                                        |
  __|\_____       /     _      /_____________________________           |
  /      _/______/_/\_________/      /       /      ________/___________|_
 /___________________\       /______________/_____  /                    \
    |                                            /________________________\
    |          mYSTiC^rOYAL wHQ  ____________ _____________             |
  __|____________________________\____      /     ________/__  _________|_
  /                                __/    _/_ __  /         /__\_____     \
 /_________________________________\         \ /___________/        /     /
    |                               \_________\           /______________/nK
    | ND1 +31-229-544-442! V.34+                                        |
    | ND2 +31-229-541-442! V.34+      mUAD'diB/MST^RYL ^ KiLLraVeN/MST  |
    | ND3 +31-229-544-331! V.Terbo   wiSHBRiNGER^HOS ^ mOTiVE pOWER/MST |
    |     !aLL uSR mODEMS!             pYXiS/CCN ^ sCHWABENpOWER/HLM!   |
    |                                                                   |
    |  aMiGA 4ooo/o4o pOWER! eLiTE^pC^xTD^rEQ^cRAZYaCiD wE hAVE iT aLL! |

       tHiS fiLE wAS uPLOADED bY nOp!/SAINTS      ^ DA SAINTS POSSE   
                pASSED hERE oN 02-25-1996, 01:26:04 aT nODE 02



 - This is the OFFICIAL news so take care!!
 - Death Field BBS is now the official WORLDHEADQUARTERS of SAINTS.
 - Victory left for BRONX.
 - Nail left to be independent.
 - Mikromission left.
 - Kriz left.
 - Woober left.
 - Yarrix left.
 - Murti left.
 - Danny Kane/Rednex joined as doublemember.
 - Datura joined.
 - Edge joined and renamed to ITAL.
 - The Nock joined.
 - Drop joined.
 - Zody joined.
 - Decoder joined.
 - Voyage! joined with his board called: Water World
 - Radavi joined with his board called : Wild Palms
 - Hifi joined with his board called   : Highlander
 - Fate! joined with his board called  : Mysteryland
 - Trion joined with his board called  : The Hype
 - Domain kicked out.
 - SAINTS back on activity!.
 - Soul Roots (musicdisk) will be released.
 - A Full Raytrace Animation Demo planned and will be out soon.
 - SAINTS will release a Diskmag.
 - Some rumours says that da SAINTS posse is dead,But infact NOT!
   SAiNTS was only inactive for sometime..This is just because of Nop/STS's
   (WHQ)problems with law courts in Turkey.(cos of Fake stamps)...
 - Destination Staff (Yarrix & Murti) left to be independent.

 - Memberstatus: (uncomplete sorry!!!)

   nOp!          : Sysop, Swapper, Trader, Organiser. (SaInTs WHQ)
   eXe           : Sysop, Trader.
   The Nock      : Swapper, Trader.
   KleNYe        : Coder.
   DaNko         : Coder.
   Dweep         : Graphician.
   DrOp          : Raytracer, Trader, Maineditor.
   [-iT/\L-]     : Musician, Sysop.
   zODY          : Trader.

   Decoder       : Swapper.
   PurpleHaze    : Swapper, Trader.
   Tranze        : Swapper.
   The Confuser  : Graphician.
   Isaac         : Musician, Sysop.
   Wiz           : Sysop.

   Radavi        : Sysop, Trader.
   Hifi          : Musician, Sysop.
   Fate!         : Sysop.
   Trion         : Sysop.

   Voyage!       : Sysop.

   Droopy        : Coder.
   SilverFlame   : Musician.

   Phuture       : Swapper.
   Plugster      : Editor.

   Danny kane    : Swapper.
   Enzyme        : Musician.
   Substance     : Musician.

   Yak           : Graphician.


       | The oFFiCiAL SA!N7S NeWZ!!!|
       |                            |
       |Thiz one is the oFFiCiAL!!!!|
       |So Take Care!! Spread thiZ!!|
    |                                                                 |
 ____.___       .____                   nD#1 +31-229-544-442 [33k6]   |
_\_  | _/_.____ |   / .____.  _____     nD#2 +31-229-541-442 [33k6]   |
|    |    |    \|  /__|    |__\___/_.   nD#3 +31-229-544-331 [21k6]   |
|_________|_____\_/___|    |        |_______                          |
    |          |___________|________|  ____/___.      aMiGA^cONSOLE   |
    |                              |_________  |       pC^mODS^rEQ    |
    |    mANAGEMENT:        .______|___________|                      |
    |                       |   ____/_.  ______                       |
    |  mUAD'dIB/mST/rYL     |   |     |__\_. _/.   ._____             |
    |  wISHbRINGER/hOS      |_________|    |   |___|   _/__.          |
    |  pYXiS / cOCAiNE                |________|   |       |          |
    |  kILLRAVEN/mST!                        |     |       |          |
    |  mOTiVE pOWER/mST                    __|_____________|          |
    |  sCHWABENpOWER/HLM                 _/ ___ |__.                  |
    |                                    |  \___|  |______.           |
    |  uPLOADER: nOp!/SAINTS             |   |     | ____ |____.      |
    |  lOCATiON: DA SAINTS POSSE         |_________| \____|    |      |
    |  miSCiNFO: 02-25-1996 01:26:04              |____|       |      |
                                                  _/ ___ |__. .___
                                                  |  \___|  | |   |
                                                  |   |     |_|   |
                                                  |_________|_|   |
                                                        | \____   |

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
          25-Feb-96, 14:50:00 this textfile passed Sky Tower #2 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like UFOk                     .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now...                                  |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'