WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE · : __ _/\¦/\_ __ __/\__ _ _ __ _/(_) | (_)\_ __ _ _ __/\__ \ / ( /_/\\_ | _//\_\ ) \ / /_ _\ \_\/_/ @ | @ \_\/_/ /_ _\ \/ \__ _|_ __/ \/ _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _ \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___ (_¦_) ___ __ (_) _____//__/// _ \___ / \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/ \ ___/ /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\ / (_) \_ \/ \\_ |_|_|_|_| _// \/ _/ (_) \ / _/ _ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _ \_ \ \ ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) ) / /\ \ WE WiLL NEVER _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_ WE WiLL NEVER / /\ \/ / SURRENDER _ __/\\__ _\ /_ __//\__ _ COMPROMISE! \ \/ / \\\__/ \/ \_/ \/ \__/// \ \ ¯ __/\ /\__ ¯ / \ __________________\__/ \__/__________________ / \( __/\ /\__ )/ ¯ \__/ ___ \__/ __/\\_//\__ ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BiS ZUM KNAST __/ \__ \_____/ ACID SLAM - HIDDIN FOR YEARS, STILL NOT FOUND! .---- --- -- - - --- ----. .__ .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---. | -+ LordsCave Almere +- | __/\___ ____: ___| \ | -+ LordsCave Almere +- | | . _ Y |/ | \ | . : Nd1: +31/36-533-5138 : | : |\_____ \ : Nd2: +31/36-534-4665 : . . | \_/ |/ |/ \ . . : ZyXEL 19K2 : | ___| |\ ._____/ : UsR V34 28K8 : |Oo.o^o.o-o.o-o.o-o.o^o.o^o.-|_/---|_____/\___/----.o^o.o^o.o-o.o-o.o-o.o^o.oO| | .____. | | __/\_________/\_________/\______________ ___/\_______| |__ | : / __________ ____________ /____ \ __ _______ __/ | : \____ \ / ____/__/ _/___/_ __/ _/ / ____/__| | : . | |/ \/ \ / \ / \__ \/ \ /| | . : | . _____/\_______ /\_______ /___/ _\\_______ / | | : . +-|____/------------\_/--------\_/---/_______/-----\_/--|____|-+ . . _____ : ___________/\ ______________/\_____ ___/\_____\_ \ :______ . . /____________ \ _______ \_______ \\__ ______| \| _/ / \__ | /__/ \ | __/ _/ | |/ \_/ ____/__| . \ | . \ / |/ \__ \ | \__ \ | . / \ /| \ | . \___ |___/ \|___/ \|______ /\_____ / | |\____| . +---/____|--/_______/--/_______/-----\_/------\_/--|____|--[SB!]-+ ^ ^ H=------ ------ --- - sYSoP: LoRD MaDNeSS aKa DeaTHFLoWeR - --- ------ ------=H @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZREAD ABOUT THE TRUTH OF SKIDROW AND WHY THEY HAVE GONE SO QUIET..! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Skid row the truth. At the moment there is a fake skid row started up. The real skid row is currently sleeping. For various reasons one of them was due to the bust of our World Hq. When the world hq was busted the secret service started to try and find other skid row members. In fact they got very very close to certain people. A couple of people telephones were monitored over a three month period and all calls made to skid row members were monitored. These where then followed up by calls from Att security as well as unsolicited calls from various security services asking how much we knew or know about the certain parties. After speaking to the guy right at the top of Skid row he decided to put the group on hold. He is currently going through a very expensive legal procedure [ court case ] and has been asked by the services who the numbers belong to and how well does he know them. Also because he was aledgeidly selling or distributing certain items [totally untrue] they belive the whole group was at it. Totally UNTRUE. So what wre we doing. Well all the members of the group are still talking to each other [sort of] and we are the original founders. There is no Skid row WORLD HQ in Brussles and we are not recurting members. The member list stays as it was before the bust. Our own whq will be back after the new year bigger than it was before. So to sum up or how to tell that your ***not***! in Skid row.! 1. You have joined the Fake Skid Row since October. Not skid row then. 2. You have a fake world hq in Brussels. {thats on less that 10 nodes be real!} ours was ready to expand to full 16 nodes a few days after the bust! 3. Your modem guru isnt called Zandor/sr. 4. You havent spoken to a guy called Data-Stream/sr. As soon as all of the trouble in the courts is finished we will be back as before, back to releasing programs on the amiga. The real Skid Row accept no substitute.!!! Signed Data-Stream/Sr and Zandor/sr the Hellion/sr and The Corsair/sr. .---- --- -- - - --- ----. .__ .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---. | -+ LordsCave Almere +- | __/\___ ____: ___| \ | -+ LordsCave Almere +- | | . _ Y |/ | \ | . : Nd1: +31/36-533-5138 : | : |\_____ \ : Nd2: +31/36-534-4665 : . . | \_/ |/ |/ \ . . : ZyXEL 19K2 : | ___| |\ ._____/ : UsR V34 28K8 : |Oo.o^o.o-o.o-o.o-o.o^o.o^o.-|_/---|_____/\___/----.o^o.o^o.o-o.o-o.o-o.o^o.oO| | .____. | | __/\_________/\_________/\______________ ___/\_______| |__ | : / __________ ____________ /____ \ __ _______ __/ | : \____ \ / ____/__/ _/___/_ __/ _/ / ____/__| | : . | |/ \/ \ / \ / \__ \/ \ /| | . : | . _____/\_______ /\_______ /___/ _\\_______ / | | : . +-|____/------------\_/--------\_/---/_______/-----\_/--|____|-+ . . _____ : ___________/\ ______________/\_____ ___/\_____\_ \ :______ . . /____________ \ _______ \_______ \\__ ______| \| _/ / \__ | /__/ \ | __/ _/ | |/ \_/ ____/__| . \ | . \ / |/ \__ \ | \__ \ | . / \ /| \ | . \___ |___/ \|___/ \|______ /\_____ / | |\____| . +---/____|--/_______/--/_______/-----\_/------\_/--|____|--[SB!]-+ ^ ^ H=------ ------ --- - sYSoP: LoRD MaDNeSS aKa DeaTHFLoWeR - --- ------ ------=H