------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FAMOUS: | ____ _ _____ _____ _____ ___|\ _____ _____ | ___|_/ _Ž\_/Ž| _/ __\_/ _ Ž\_/ ____\_/ | \_/ _Ž\_/ __\_|__ _ ø: | | | | |_\| | | |___\| | | | _| |_\_:ø__ : | | | _| __/ | _ |\__ | | | _ \_ __/ _|__ _ : | | |__/Ž| Ž|_/| | |\_| | | | | | Ž|_/ :ø : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : Ž _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : __/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : Ž| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : _ø_:_ | | Ž | Ž | | | Ž | Ž | | | Ž _:_ø_ | \__| Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\ |___/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\___| /Ŋ\_____/ | | \| |/ |-rS! °° DD ° OO ° MM ° EE °° DIAMONDS & RUST EUROPEAN HQ ---------------------------------------- aMiGa / SNeS / GeNeSiS / iBM SYSøPS: [STE\/E/D&R], BOON KID/D&R, EDO/D&R, (-Ozone&Rob-), FURY/TRZ, PRINCIP/CSL, Rhys & Danzig, GREY! NOTHIN TO SAY, IF U AREN`T ALREADY THERE, U`RE SURELY MISSING SOMETHING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ ==- \ _ __/ / _/ -========================================================== \/ |/ \ \ III nODEZ /X bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEM /___|___|\__\ hOODLUM · aSPECT · dIGITAL · sUNFLEX · bF ===- \___|___|/__/ -========================================================= @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZRead all about the LSD PayOff... Get it b its deleted... and all you LSD guy's.. yo KNOW its true.... @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Read All About It On.... ____ __ __ _ __ ____ _____ / / / / / / __ / / _/ / __ / _\ / / __ / / / / / / \ / / / ___________ / Sysop: John Yaya \ / 1-414-964-7434 \ / Ami-X Latest (REG.) > AMIGA CONSOLE DOCS H/P / \ USR DS 21.6's _/ ____\ _ 3 NODES RINGDOWN / LSD USHQ ***************************************************************************** Typed by The Art/EX4 -------------------- The Lamers Return to The Nest. Well it was inevitable I suppose... The people who cursed Pazza and Mub for creaming off the profits of the hardworking guys at LSD have turned tail and run back to him..... for money...... yes it was told to me by the fastest runner of all... that ' a compomise has been made '.. well thats fucking good!!!!! bully for you guys that returned.... I hope you all make some nice bucks!!!! NOT.... ok so you will make something.. but what about all the rest... all the people who are not in LSD and have worked hard on stuff that is gonna be on the CD.... you gonna look after them as well... because if you don't... and you take a bribe form pazza, then that makes you the same as him..... a really big fucken LEECH!! yeah thats right..... thats the word...... if ya don't like it..... tough!! Thats what you are..... and I will have no part of it....and I would like to take this oppotunity to say that under no circumstances do I give permission for any demo's or utils that I have written in the past for LSD..... to be used on ANY OTHER FORM than 3.5in Floppy... and under no circumstances by LSD in any shape or form... This includes DocsDisks, Music Disks, Demos, used or unused, Coders Disks. Any use of the above mentioned programs WILL result in legal action, the above mentioned programs, are all copyright IDS... and no permission is given to use them by any person in LSD. Well thats that out of the way.... its such a sham it had to come to this, Its such a disappointment to find that people are so weak willed, especially Fish... he of course was the instegater of the return... he just could'nt bear to leave.... or maybe he got a bigger slice of the revenue.. who can tell... But the thing was that when he decided he was going to join EX4.... he then went and had a big chat with Mub and Maximan... WHY? If you had left Fish... WHY???? thats the point I can't understand it was obvious to everybody but you it seems..... and the only reason that some of the people have returned is because YOU rang them up and told them that everyone ELSE had returned... well its early days yet... and we will see... but WHY did you ring everybody up and SNEAK them back???? and why did'nt you bother ringing me or 2-cool???? because you knew what the answer would be... and you wanted to do it all so sly..... because you knew that if we knew.... we would do something about it..... well you were certainly SLY..... Fish.... you really were! Well thats it for me... I have had my say... Experiment IV is STILL alive, regardless of what the others who have not got the strength that I have to see it through, and If its needed, I will see it through myself. Out soon is the first in a series of coders disk's Look out for them.. The Art/EX4 ----------- _____________ ==- \ _ __/ / _/ -========================================================== \/ |/ \ \ III nODEZ /X bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEM /___|___|\__\ hOODLUM · aSPECT · dIGITAL · sUNFLEX · bF ===- \___|___|/__/ -========================================================= [ nARCøTic TEXT aDDEr v1.ø ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FAMOUS: | ____ _ _____ _____ _____ ___|\ _____ _____ | ___|_/ _Ž\_/Ž| _/ __\_/ _ Ž\_/ ____\_/ | \_/ _Ž\_/ __\_|__ _ ø: | | | | |_\| | | |___\| | | | _| |_\_:ø__ : | | | _| __/ | _ |\__ | | | _ \_ __/ _|__ _ : | | |__/Ž| Ž|_/| | |\_| | | | | | Ž|_/ :ø : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : Ž _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : __/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : Ž| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : _ø_:_ | | Ž | Ž | | | Ž | Ž | | | Ž _:_ø_ | \__| Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\ |___/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\_____/Ŋ\___| /Ŋ\_____/ | | \| |/ |-rS! °° DD ° OO ° MM ° EE °° DIAMONDS & RUST EUROPEAN HQ ---------------------------------------- aMiGa / SNeS / GeNeSiS / iBM SYSøPS: [STE\/E/D&R], BOON KID/D&R, EDO/D&R, (-Ozone&Rob-), FURY/TRZ, PRINCIP/CSL, Rhys & Danzig, GREY! NOTHIN TO SAY, IF U AREN`T ALREADY THERE, U`RE SURELY MISSING SOMETHING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------