______               _____       ____________
         ___  __\    _|______ ______|     |__ ___\  ____    /_  ___
     __ |   ||      _____/   Y               Y      \______/  ||   | __

    [*] N i N E  O U t  O f  t E N  M O d E M S  P R E f E R  i t  ! [*]
       ____________          _______        __________     ____________
    ___\  ____    /_ _______|__    (_ ______\_ ______(_ ___\  ____    /_
   |      \______/  Y     _____/     Y         \___    Y      \______/  |
 |                                                                        |
 |  tELNET theedgebbs.dyndns.org       aMiGA 4ooo cYbERStORM o6o / 5omHz  |
 |   dIALuP +44 (0) cOMiNG s00N          0 to 3 dAYS aMiGA sCENE sTUFF    |

     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
    /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/|
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 11-26-1995, 04:09:05 aT nODE 02   :
            .                                                   .

  ______ _____ _________  __  __
  \  __/_ __  \  ___/ __\/  \/  \        NODE 1:  +31-775-212-93  · USR 21K6
  /  /   | / _/_ _/_  _/ \  \/   \       NODE 2:  +31-775-137-53  · USR 28K8
  \______|_\___/____|_\   \_||    \_     NODE 3:  +31-775-189-30  · USR 16K8
|                                                                            |
|      WORLD OF ELITE!                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| DEATHKNIGHT,JAKE,NOSTROMO    ________________________/¯|__/| ___________   |
| DEVIOUS DOZE, RAJ!,  FURY    \___  \ __   /  __/  __/    / |/ ____/  __/_  |
| AND OFCOURSE ARTIC CAT!!!    |   __/ _/ _/  _| \__  \  \/  /  )  /  _|  /  |
|                              |___|\__\   \________  /___\__\__   \______\  |
`--[ EURO HQ ]--------------------------\___/÷e÷/aL!\/--------/_____\--------'
|_________________________     _ ________:    |__________________________ |
|___  ______\_  /____ \   |__________    |    |____ \_______  ___  ______\|
| |   l/    / \/| \__  \  |      /  |   _|    | \__  \  __/   /|   l/    /|
| |   /    /    |   |   \ |     /   |   \_    :   |   \ \    / |   /    / |
| ø  /    /     |   |    \_    /    |    |    |   |    \_\  /__ø  /    /  |
| |______/|_____|___|     /___/     |____|____:___|     /_\___/|______/   |
| :                 |____/                    :   |____/       :[kAm]     |
|                                                                         |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:     c·R·U·x     WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   a·T·O·M·i·c   WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   m·O·T·i·O·n   SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SNES!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SEGA!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  ASCii:  a·R·T·c·O·R·e  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|                                                                         |
|                          Sysop:  FURY/PRESTiGE                          |
|        Cosysops:  DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY        |
|                       -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT!                       |
|                                                                         |
|                 [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
| SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]  NUP REQUIRED!  |
|                 [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                                                                         |

ok guys.. this is the text spread by flite/cs!:

                           CAUSTIC STYLE AND DRAKAR
         This  text  is  just  a bloody fast reaction of ourselfes to
         prevent  you  dudez  out there in the ascii business of some

         Especially  YOU  DRAKAR!   What  the hell you think you are?
         GOD HIMSELF or what!?  Do you really think you can join whom
         you  like  without  telling  the  leadership  of the group a
         single word?

         I  OFFERED  you  to join if you like but not without talking
         `bout!   I  received your colly which`s full of RIPPED stuff
         you took out of my

[NOTE: i didn't rip anything!]

                       CS!-BBS!.txt (Burning Backslash)

         collection!   Also  you  used  several  other asciis without
         giving  credits  to  the  authors  and  without permission i

[NOTE: Just coz i didn't do a credits list, doesn't mean i ripped it!
i still kept all the taglines in!]

         We  need  artists who are GOOD and PROFESSIONAL and not that
         kid`fukkaz  you  seem  to  be  one of!  You`re NOT a CAUSTIC
         STYLER  for  sure!   And  be  sure  you`ll  NEVER BECOME one
         because of this action you did these days!  If you had asked
         ZAPHOD  or  ME  if  you  can  join  up it would have been no
         problem at all!

[NOTE: i saw an offer, and i took the risk of going for it, when you 
live half way across the world, its not easy to just call up for a 
chat.  MY MISTAKE!.. but i did it, and i payed for it... and no-offence
to you, but you'd be suprised just which one of us is more the "kid"]

         Well  mates  ...   I  had  to  write this shit down and also
         zAPHOD is very angry `bout drakars action!

                          So my statement as follows

[i agree]
         -  His  collection  CS!-MGCL.txt  is  NOT  an  OFFICIAL  CS!

         (FLI7e         [÷f!÷]) (sYSOP: THE PUB             ) ( wHQ)
         (zAPHOD        [ zD!]) (sYSOP: mOSTLY hARMLESS     ) ( eHQ)
         (SATANS FIRE   [ sF!]) (sYSOP: BACK FIRE           ) ( dHQ)
         (SMA1!         [ sMA])

         No ARTISTS
         (lANCE               ) (sYSOP: gOD`S hAREM         ) ( gHQ)
         (mEPHISTO            ) (sYSOP: pLANET lOVE         ) (egHQ)
         (h2o                 ) (sYSOP: rAVELAND            ) (dIST)

                            LAST MESSAGE TO DRAKAR
         I guessed you were worth beeing a CS!  member in the past so
         i  made  you  the  previously mentioned offer to join up!  I
         still  think  you  are GOOD but not GOD!  That`s a small but
         very  affective difference!  You misused my offer by joining
         yourself  with  asking  me  or  zaphod!  If anybody in scene
         would do so contra - arclite and who they all are would have
         been  bigger  than  microsoft  (sukks) ...  contra would may
         have  about  100  members or more!  You can`t do whatya want
         and  then  release  a production under that label YOU`RE NOT

[NOTE: that is a more mature responce, thanx for the nice words ;)..
but i don't really get your point about the contra shit...]

         I  force you to release an reply on this text because i want
         YOU to talk things out in the public becasue YOU PUBLIC-ed a
         production under OUR NAME without PERMISSIOn!

[NOTE: done...]

                           Flite ( the angry one! )


ok.. i admit, i fucked up, i saw a messy asking if i was interested,
and being out of an ascii group, with packs waiting to be released, i
had to make a sharp desicion.. should i A> spend $5000000000 on a call
to flite, B> forget about it all togethe, or C> ask some advice from
friends and see what they think.

i choose C, i asked homicide and canaan/psg what they thought i should
do, and niether of them saw any harm in releasing a pack under a group
who seemed to want me as a member.. 

so fli7e, you've got your little reply, and not me as a member, really i
see where your coming from but maybe i'd have expected a bit more of a
gentle way of saying 'get fucked drakar'.

so.. there we go.. if you want to ring me, vox +649-535-2133, or mail
me on masturbationstation.com (telnet) .. 

drakar / trsi & atomic & myth...
NOT Caustic Style .. 

 BY DRAKAR.. read it and spread it, coz you
 can LIE like shit, but i'll always be here
 to spread the truth.. 

|_________________________     _ ________:    |__________________________ |
|___  ______\_  /____ \   |__________    |    |____ \_______  ___  ______\|
| |   l/    / \/| \__  \  |      /  |   _|    | \__  \  __/   /|   l/    /|
| |   /    /    |   |   \ |     /   |   \_    :   |   \ \    / |   /    / |
| ø  /    /     |   |    \_    /    |    |    |   |    \_\  /__ø  /    /  |
| |______/|_____|___|     /___/     |____|____:___|     /_\___/|______/   |
| :                 |____/                    :   |____/       :[kAm]     |
|                                                                         |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:     c·R·U·x     WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   a·T·O·M·i·c   WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   m·O·T·i·O·n   SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SNES!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SEGA!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  ASCii:  a·R·T·c·O·R·e  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|                                                                         |
|                          Sysop:  FURY/PRESTiGE                          |
|        Cosysops:  DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY        |
|                       -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT!                       |
|                                                                         |
|                 [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
| SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]  NUP REQUIRED!  |
|                 [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                                                                         |
                     |·                                  ·|
          __________ |        · WORLD OF ELiTE ·          |          ______
   _______\__      __|_________   ________________ ____   | ________|_     |
   \        /     /      _     \ _\____       /       /____\__      _/     |
   /      _/\    /       /      \     /     _/       /       /      |      |
  /________/\____\______________/____/       \______________/\_____________l
                     .               \________/           .
                     |                                    |
          ____________ __________________    PRESTIGE EHQ |    Mo!/aC!
         /      _     \      ___________/       CREAM EHQ |
        /       /      \       ______/                    |
        \______________/\_________|    STAFF: DEATHKNIGHT |
                     .                DEVIOUS DOZE · JAKE |
                     | RAJ! · NOSTROMO · FURY · THE FREAK |
                _________                                 |
   _____________\       /____ __________ _ _________________________
  /      _     /       /     _\________/_        _    /      _     /
 /  __________/______________\          /         \__/  __________/__
/_______________/    .        \________/___________\/_______________/
                     |                                    .

 | NODE1: +31-775-212-93 ]-[ NODE2: +31-775-137-53 ]-[ NODE3: +31-775-189-30 |
 `-------[ 21600 ]-----------------[ 28800 ]-----------------[ 16800 ]-------'
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]
     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
    /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/|
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET in.vi.te 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 11-26-1995, 04:09:05 aT nODE 02   :
            .                                                   .

   - -- --- ---(itS WiLD ­ itS WiCKEd ­ iTS tHE PlACE 2 bEE)--- --- -- -

              _____.                    tELNET  theedgebbs.dyndns.org
      ._____  \   _|____                 pHONE  +44 (0)  cOMING sOON
     _|   _/__/   __    \___________
     __   ___/____ |     \______   /_
     /     |     /_|______/  _____/ /
 - --\__________/--------\_________/ -- -
                         ___________     .____ _ _______
                         \______   /_____|_  /  _______/___ _______
  [ nERVE aXiS uKHQ ]    /   _____/ /   __   \   \_      /_____   /_
                         \_________/    |     \_________/   _____/ /
                       - -- ------\___________/-{@dY}--\__________/-- -

                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.6 by SieGeL/tRSi]