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This File was D/led from: Trash City BBS Running on A4000 10Meg of 32bit RAM & .5GIG HD ŅØÐČ 1 : ++1-718-318-8315, ĩ$Ū 16.8k ÐĢ, 57600 $ČŪĄæl løįk ŅØÐČ 2 : ++1-718-318-6444, ĩ$Ū 16.8k ÐĢ, 57600 $ČŪĄæl løįk ŅØÐČ 3 : ++1-718-PRI-VATE, ĩ$Ū 16.8k Ð$, 38400 $ČŪĄæl løįk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ / \_/ \ / \ _ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / _ _ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ _ \ / _ \_/ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ / \_/ \ \_/ / \ \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ THIS FILE PASSED SCANDINAVIAS FASTEST: : ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ : _._ . ___ . ___ : :/~ ~\:/~ ~\:/~ ~\:/\.__:/\.__:/~ ~\:/~ ~\:/~V~\:/~ ~\:/~ ~\: | |__V | V |__V V V V V__| _V | V | V V__ | |__ | | | __| | | | |\__ | | | | | | | | | | | | _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | s| | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |s c| A \__A_____A_____A A A_____A_____A | A |c ~~\___/~\__/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___/~\___/~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_A_/~\___/~~ NODE1:PRIVATE! NODE2:PRIVATE! NODE3:PRIVATE! NODE4:PRIVATE! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ / \_/ \ / \ _ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / _ _ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ _ \ / _ \_/ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ / \_/ \ \_/ / \ \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Ēģ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read this little text and judge for your self. I run a bbs NO NAME and it's one of the more famous boards in Sweden and oldest, and one day a user logged in to my board under the name THE Alchemist from FAIRLIGHT And he wrote his Voice nr to validate him on, No problem here and his voice nr was a fax nr as he wrote in the message to me, and when I checked the nr with TELIA it was on his real name.. Some days later when I read the Swedish Magazin ATTACK, there was an article of PIRATES etc, and when I looked at the end of the text there stood his real name of that lame user that got an account on my bbs.. So, judge for your self. His real name is ADRIAN TALBOT, and he can go and fuck him self. I don't want any NEWS writing lamer on my bbs to write about the scene... SO CHECK ALL OF YOUR USERS ! Signed Bloodbrother / Paranomia 93'94 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ / \_/ \ / \ _ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / _ _ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ _ \ / _ \_/ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ / \_/ \ \_/ / \ \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ THIS FILE PASSED SCANDINAVIAS FASTEST: _ _ __ _ _ __. _ __. _ __. _ __. _ __ _ __. _ __. _ __ _ _. _ __/\_______/|____/|______/| __/| __/\_____/|_____/|_____/\____|\___ _ __/ _________ \ ______ |_ \ |_ \____ ___ /\ | __ \ __ \ _ _\___ \/ _/ / __)__/ | \/ | \/ / / | \/ | \/ \ \/|/ \ _ __/ \ / \__/ | / | / | / / \ | / | / \ / / \ _ _\______\_____________\___________\_______/____________\___/\__/|______/ NODE1:PRIVATE! NODE2:PRIVATE! NODE3:PRIVATE! NODE4:PRIVATE! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ / \_/ \ / \ _ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ \ / _ _ \_/ _ \ / \_/ _ _ \ / _ \_/ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ _ / \ \_/ / \_/ \ / \ \_/ _ / \_/ \ \_/ / \ \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _/\_________ ________ ____________ __________ _________/\_ \_______ \\__ | \__ \\__ \\__ I \ / | <_/ l______/ T \/ T__/\/ <_ / T \ ! \ _ \ ! \ T \ / _______/____________/_____l______/__________/_____j \ \_______j sctl_______/ _/\_____ __________________ __________/\_ \__ | \__ ___ \\__ _____/ / l______/ | T \/ __>____ / ! \ | | \ ! ~ \ / _______/_____j_____l______/______ \ \_______j l_______/ /X 2.XX AMIGA 3000 25MHz 3 Nodes 1000 mb`s Stuff MASTER S.Y.S.O.P Blue /X\S-DOS /\miga S.Y.S.O.P`S S.Y.S.O.P`S MANGLED & FlasH JORDAN & CETERUS :call now : +49-211- ELITE Dual 14400 +49-211- ELITE ZYXEL 19200 +49-211- ELITE HST 16800 ASK SYSOP +49-211-ISDN -SOON SYSTEM PW :...... ·=============================================================· | tRSi aMIGa · pWa pc · tRSi cONSOLe · mAc`aBRe gHq | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ···················································· | | · scene suxx ! everbody is fucking everybody ! · | | · thats why it`s so hard to get on here. We are · | | · online about 3 years now and for the fact that · | | · we wanna stay online a few more don`t spread · | | · the numbers and don`t give away your password · | | · and respect the software companies. · | | · remember a game worth playing is a game worth · | | · buying · | | ···················································· | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | aNd rEMEMBEr rEAL fRIENDSHIp rOOLz , bUSINESs sUXx | ·=============================================================·