___(\·----------------------- ---- --- -- - - - \) IN A WORLD OF DREAMS - IN A WORLD OF PASSION THIS FILE DECIDED TO PASS ONE OF THE LAST AND REAL BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS IN CENTRAL EUROPE THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE - FAITH! (\ ___ - - --- --- ------- ----------------------·\) -O-----------------·E·U·R·O·--·T·R·A·D·E·--·C·E·N·T·E·R·-----------------O- : oUTLAWS LHQ /\______ /\__________________________ ·AMiGA· : : sHELTER BHQ /o \ \/o \ / \_____ \______ \ · PSX · : : hOOLiGANS! BHQ // /____// / /o / _//o / / · AND · : : fREEZERS BHQ // __/__// / // \// / / · U64 · : : // / // / // / / / / : : \ ______ /\ ______ /\ __/___ /\ ______ / : : \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ : : /\_______________ ____________________ /\________ : : /o _ \_____ \\_____ \_____ \/o \ / : : // \_____/o / _//o / /o / // /____/ : . // / // \// // / // __/__ . . // / // / // / // / // / / . . \ __/ \ __/___ /\ __/___ /\ ______ /\ ______ / . . \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ . . __________ /\______ /\______ /\______ /\_______________ . . \_____ \/o \ \/o \ \/o _ \/o \ \_____ \ . : /o /____// /____// / // \_____// /____/o / _/ : : // / // __/__// / // / // __/__// \ : : // / // / // / // / // / // / / : : \ ______ /\ ______ /\ __/___ /\ __/[aBn]\ ______ /\ __/___ / : : \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ : : : : N#1: +32-63-67 78 53, 33.6 dUAL · mASTERZ aRE · : : N#2: +32-63-!TELNET!, 33.6 dUAL : : N#3: +32-63-!TELNET!, 33.6 dUAL TOXiC - S /\/\ S - sIZE : : N#4: +32-63-OFFLINE!, 33.6 dUAL SiGMA - dAFFY dUCK - Thorrin : : N#5: +32-63-OFFLINE!, 33.6 dUAL : -O---jUST a fUNNY mESSY bASE, a bUNCH oF kEWL dOODZ aND! aMAZiNG fAST!---O- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.------------------------------------------. : LATEST AND OLDEST BELGiAN BBS : : EURO TRADE CENTER GOES OFFLINE! : `------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Well well well, I recently bought a house in france and so, i decided to go offline with the bbs. It has been a GREAT time running this fucker since more than 7 years (and One hundred Hd crashes :)), but i simply dont have the time for it anymore. I would like to thank some guys for their support through the years... Genghis Khan: Whoawww! Gay, but definitely the coolest guy i met during my scene trip! +AND+ he is still active ! Thanks for everything AND more! I really should pay you a visit someday! (-YOU- ll wear the wig!!!) Catch ya on wok fishy ;) Modem Boy: Domenico! fuckin' bb maniac! He traded hundreds of mb in 2400 bds!!! How is Romeo lately ? catch ya on the net for another "7hoursinarowUFOchat!" ;) S /\/\ S: Jean louis! Very latest trader from luxembourg! Thanx for your great support! (he has been #1 upper during years!) I ll call u one of these days! HE-MAN: Eh tony, now you can tell it ;) Thx for the continuous support during all these years, and for the TOXiCiTY & ETC logosssssssssssssssssssssss ;) SULTAN: For his great support back in the AFL time. -TCB!-: Damnit u were right dude, tomorrow i ll wake up with a wife and a dog! What now ? ;) SiGMA: VW sucks! :) Great support lately, but you still sucks! ;) CALiBER + JL AUDIO = BLAST! HiGHLANDER: Just... Thanks! FLYNN: Eh damien what about mail swapping now ? ;) KaZe: You fuckin' stoned bastard! Thx for the logos and support! Crusader & Candyman: Keep on the VERY good work guys! Congratz! dAFFY dUCK: Thx d>U<ffy ! ;) Ryguel: Damn lamah! Matrix: FanutFucka! cya! Magnet: Hi there dood! One of the oldest belgian trader still active! Thanks for the support buddy! cya on the net! Cellat & Sledge: Global mass trading guys! i doubt you ll ever read this, Thanks for all anyway! >)RAGON: Thx for the 4000 u german bastard! ;) and also: ALKAiD - ATLANTiC POWER - aIRwORX - ANTHEAD - AXL - Bowen - Brain Surgeon BOONE - BiONIC - Bruce Lee - Bobgun - Colonel/HLM - Chuck - Chuck/TBF Chuck/Cdi- cINZAN0 - cybergod! - cHRIZ - CHiLL - Clary - dR.fEELGOOD! Dj Devil - dAZz - dUNKAN&dELVIN - Dixy - Digiman - dalamar - ECHO&GUiDO ENZO - EXERON&MANiAC - estrayk - eXe - ECSTASY - FRaNKy - fendrix FirsT EditioN - Flight - Fain - gelfling/drd - Graffito - God-eater G.d.m. - HeLLBoRG - Homeboy Walle - INSIDER - iCE T - iCON - iNTRUdER ICE D - Ironfist - iMMORTAL - Junior/FUSION - JuNk - kabal - kgb Kosjer D - katana - LeO - lEcToR - la shawn - lACOSTE! - lAWNMOWER mAN mR.cD!/PDY - Mikee Mouse - Mondrian - mAGZ - mute - MARC/SKID ROW mb - miGHTYMuz - M-Plant - mj - noddy - nUMEN - NightHawk - Orson PROBLEM CHiLD - pYke - pax - pEAK! - PRODiGY - PCP - puba - Rage! - rETi rAMIs & sLIMe - RAMiREZ - RAMiREZ/PDY - RAG - rAWFOX - Robin - Sternone Sigmatron - Stix - SiNTAX - Scorpio/Skid Row - SelecTor - size sTiCKY fiNGAZ - snuffy - sLAPSHOt - sNAFU - speed devil - sLiMe & RaMiS stimpy/cb4 - STaRkMaN - STaRKiLLER - scudy - ShuMart - -TCB!- the pimp - TaZ DeViL - Taxi^Kdm - tHE sHINING oNES - ten! - trash head trix - thorrin - tRiVIAL^243 - the kid - TANK/RAMJAM - TSF - the mixer ULI - U-MAN - Vax - Vax6410 - BigFoot/QTX - vostok - WidowMaKer WRAiTH - WIZARD - Woober - yan - ZOLTRIX - Zeus - Zinko - -niKE!/tRSi [-cR!SP-] - [-fAB fIVE fREDDY-] - [-rKr-] - [-sAxOn-] - [keldon^chewie] [eBBHEAD] + ALL THE OTHERS I FORGOT (LEECHERS NOT LISTED ;)) Special greetings to all members of Alpha Flight, The Silents, Razor 1911, The Orb, Shelter, Freezers, Hooligans and Outlaws past and present for their support. For those interested in it, i may move some accounts to Wrath of Khan, Havent checked it with GK yet, but i guess it should be no problem. If you re interested in it just drop me a mail on W.O.K. (Safest place to reach me) or mail me at : TOXIC_OTL@USA.NET or even on #amielite if you catch me, and i will see what i can do. Sysops : Do -NOT- delete my accounts, i will keep on trading some stuff from time to time... Well if there is something worth trading that is... TOXiC / OUTLAWS - EX EURO TRADE CENTER SYSOP __________________________________________ / ______/ / \_____ \_____ \ / ____/__/ / / _ ___/ / / / / / / / / \/ / / / / / / / / / \_________/\_________/ /_____/\_________/ /____/ __________________________________________ ___________ / _ \_____ \_____ \_____ \/ ______/ / / / _ ___/ _ / / / ____/__ / /_____/ / \/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_____/ /_____/\_________/\_________/ /____/ /____/ /____/-RtX! _______________________________ _________ ____________________ / ______/ ______/ \/ _ \/ _____\_____ \ / /_____/ ____/__/ _ / / / ____/__/ _ ___/ / / / / / / / /_____/ / / / \ / / / / / / / / / / \_________/\_________/_____/ / / \_________/ /_____/ .--------------------------/____/____/----------------/____/----------. | OUTLAWS - HOOLiGANS! - SHELTER AND FREEZERS HEADQUARTER! | | A4k30, 16 MEGS FAST RAM, 1.4 GiG ONLiNE - AMiGA & PSX 0 SEC WAREZ | | ONLiNE SiNCE '91, NO NUP ON TELNET NODES, ABSOLUTELY -NO!- LAMERS | | USR 33.6 DS - TELNET - MiTSUMi CDR 8X - BELGiUM'S FiNEST! | | STAFF: TOXiC - S /\/\ S - sIZE - SiGMA - dAFFY dUCK! - Thorrin | `---------------------------------------------------------------------' [-AquaAdder v1.0-] / \ ·/(_____ sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY! _____)\· / \ fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS \ _____ _____ / ·\( sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY! )/· \ / - _____ _( /_________ \ _ /---| ____ _____ ·-\----)_______/ |______\_ )__ _____ _\ /______ |_____| _ /_\ __/_______/_ _/ _/__ `-------/___/____\ /--\_________/ / /---------· / b l a c k _____ a r t s .. \ / _______\_ )__ _____ _____ \ ·-/------- \ _ /__\ _ ))_ _| /_ ___ ---\- ·ave'bm ·-----/_____/ / /_\ _/_( _/____ `------\______\|___|_\__ )_ /________/ +49/30/66709090'x75'v34 -