Protracker module 
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  1st.  6Helix                          by  teel / acc                     (27 pts)
  2nd.  My Sweet Pornostar              by  Jugi / DerHM of Complex        (23 pts)
  3rd.  Astaroth sex cult               by  Jobe                           (14 pts)
  4th.  Emerald Hill Romance            by  Dr.Vector/Megahawks Inc        (11 pts)
  5th.  Kastan Ongasta                  by  Haohmaru / discomeats          (10 pts)
  6th.  Last Amiga Summer               by  TRiACE / DESiRE                (6 pts)
  7th.  In st-01 we trust               by  oo                             (5 pts)
  8th.  ITALIAN STAG LOADER             by  Dr. Vector/Megahawks Inc       (4 pts)
  9th.  jazzflower bebob                by  tecon / planet.jazz ^ desire   (3 pts)
 10th.  Atari Sucks                     by  Copyman/Megahawks Inc          (2 pts)
 11th.  I'm Oldie                       by  MC Coolbeat/Megahawks Inc      (1 pts)
 12th.  No niin                         by  Esko Mursu/Ninja Gefilus       (-1 pts)
 13th.  New Deal                        by  Greippi                        (-3 pts)

 Hippoplayer Music 
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  1st.  She ripped my cock out with...  by  alkeiskurssi of rappioryhmae   (43 pts)
  2nd.  Suburb2                         by  Wing                           (12 pts)
  3rd.  Fernando's Gym                  by  Copyman/Megahawks Inc          (9 pts)

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  1st.  Lucy in the sky with polygons   by  Jugi&Kakka                     (46 pts)
  2nd.  Refugee from Planet Perzu       by  bracket                        (44 pts)
  3rd.  Another Day                     by  ccr/TNSP                       (10 pts)
  4th.  Huomisaamu                      by  Greippi                        (2 pts)
  5th.  Amiga == happy                  by  BunneH                         (1 pts)
  6th.  Sanctuary of Worm               by  HACKERS                        (-3 pts)
  7th.  Stargate Atlantis               by  HACKERS                        (-4 pts)
  -''-  Talvisota                       by  J_Kahvi                        (-4 pts)
  8th.  Puvu                            by  Moo                            (-6 pts)
  9th.  Library tits                    by  vicci/HiRMU                    (-7 pts)
 10th.  What time is it?                by  Tekomuna-Minttu/Ninja Gefilus  (-10 pts)
 11th.  PC_Rulz                         by  Anonymous                      (-11 pts)
 12th.  shit                            by  Anonymous                      (-13 pts)
 13th.  tributetokiasma                 by  Anonymous                      (-16 pts)

 Fast compo 
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  1st.  Kekkonen VS. Mannerheim         by  Piraattitehdas/Hoboman         (18 pts)
  2nd.  Vastakkainasettelu              by  hakasulkeinen & alkeiskurss... (16 pts)
  3rd.  Ceiling Kekkonen is watchin...  by  Namutaeti / Pikselikaatopaikka (13 pts)
  4th.  kekkosen hopeasamplet           by  invalidco                      (3 pts)
  -''-  Haiku                           by  Siiseli                        (3 pts)
  5th.  Presumably UKK Wins             by  Terwiz                         (0 pts)
  6th.  Mannekkonen                     by  mikaevit / ISO                 (-2 pts)
  7th.  manvskek                        by  wizor                          (-6 pts)
  8th.  No Copy                         by  Definitely Not Pope            (-8 pts)

 Deluxe Paint or Raytraced Animation 
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  1st.  Orange Rabbit                   by  Greippi                        (33 pts)
  2nd.  Tuulee                          by  renne                          (16 pts)

 Coolest Amiga 
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  1st.  A tribute to Supra Corp         by  Jope                           (25 pts)
  2nd.  A1200 BPPC (060@50 603p@240...  by  Piru & BunneH                  (18 pts)
  3rd.  A500                            by  Wizor                          (13 pts)
  4th.  A600                            by  Jupp3                          (12 pts)

 Bootblock intro 
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  1st.  1k boing                        by  Piru                           (33 pts)
  2nd.  Degradation                     by  Zymosis                        (31 pts)
  3rd.  Fap2013 Bootblock               by  Accession                      (17 pts)
  4th.  Cube-O-Bootic 2                 by  Scarab                         (16 pts)
  5th.  Get Glitch                      by  Lempo                          (7 pts)
  -''-  Acid Blocks                     by  Instant Ejakulation            (7 pts)

 Amiga video 
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  1st.  Get the fuck out                by  Damones                        (34 pts)
  2nd.  Napsahdus                       by  Ninja Gefilus                  (30 pts)
  3rd.  Amiga kaennissae                by  Valhe                          (4 pts)

 Amiga demo 
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  1st.  Feeling blue                    by  Australian Drug Foundation     (44 pts)
  2nd.  Anti-birth First KILLER         by  Jumalauta                      (36 pts)
  3rd.  Swookie                         by  Traction                       (32 pts)
  4th.  Educational Sex Lesson          by  Limbo                          (31 pts)
  5th.  Magic                           by  Embassy                        (14 pts)
  6th.  Abuse                           by  Dahlia & Monolith Resistor     (12 pts)
  7th.  Taksi                           by  The Alberts                    (5 pts)
  8th.  Quick Alphabet Demo             by  ISO                            (3 pts)
  9th.  Ripoff                          by  dA Po$$u                       (-11 pts)
 10th.  rauhaa - the psilocybin remix   by  Ninja Gefilus                  (-12 pts)
 11th.  Marsuladian Onnenpaeivae        by  larit / AF                     (-13 pts)

 Amiga ASCII 
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  1st.  Kewlers                         by  Curly Brace                    (50 pts)
  2nd.  ASCIICompoEntry                 by  Locutus                        (11 pts)
  3rd.  Voehan Vituke                   by  Terwiz                         (7 pts)
  4th.  ISO                             by  astu                           (3 pts)
  5th.  astun.txt                       by  astu                           (-1 pts)

 Amiga ANSI 
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  1st.  comet ison                      by  urs / mercury                  (54 pts)
  2nd.  fap13                           by  Jope                           (32 pts)
  3rd.  what would jesus do             by  astu                           (-5 pts)
  4th.  fap                             by  astu                           (-12 pts)

 Amiga 40k intro 
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  1st.  Shattered                       by  Dekadence                      (61 pts)
  2nd.  Hard Rain                       by  Neural                         (43 pts)
  3rd.  Lauantai-Kekkonen               by  Lempo                          (-5 pts)
  4th.  AGA                             by  Limbo                          (-8 pts)